My Spot

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_"George's POV"_

Me and Clay sat together the whole class. It was so amusing seeing that Clay was comfortable sitting with me, when today was the first time we've ever spoken.

Class is over, and before I went to my usual spot, Clay spoke to me.

"Hey, George! Where you going?"

He said. His voice was so beautiful. The pitch was just right, and it was so silky. This was actually the first time I got to look at him properly. His eyes were green -I think- his blonde hair was so...

"George? Are you ok?"

He asked me, stopping my train of thought. I looked at him and just sighed.

"Sorry, I was just... thinking... what did you say again?"

I asked, not wanting to worry him more. The look of concern on his face was enough for me to feel anxious.

"I was asking where you were going. I wanna hang out with you!"

He said with a smile. His eyes sparkled that you could almost see stars in them. His smile was so bright, I had to squint my eyes a bit.

"Oh, don't you have friends? Not to be rude, but wouldn't you rather hang out with? You are the most popular guy at school."

I said, with a 'matter of fact' tone.

"Well... ye I do. But sometimes, they can be a bit much. Its fine if you don't wanna hang out. I just wanted to get to know you more. You seemed cool."

Cool? I seem cool? If my anxiety wasn't already out the roof, it is now.

"No no, its fine. Altho you have to promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to show you. I don't want people crowding it."

I said. My face blank, my tone serious. He looked at me suspiciously, but nodded either way.

"I promise, I wont tell a soul."

"Ok, follow me."

About 5 minutes of walking, we arrived at the end of a hall. Not many students use it, since this was the hall to the janitors closet. It was also known as the 'J Hall'

"The 'J Hall'? What are we doing here? Don't tell me you hang out in the janitors closet?!"

I let out a little giggle, covering my mouth with the back of my hand.

"No, idiot. I don't hang out in the janitors closet. Here, lemme show you something. Do you see that wall? The one with a crack?"

I asked him, pointing at a wall with a human sized crack.

"Ye? What about it?"

He asked cautiously. He looked nervous, which was a huge shock to me since he was a jock back in high school.

"Scared? Come on, don't tell me you are! You were a jock back in our high school. I thought you were fearless!"

I joked, trying to stifle a giggle coming out.

"Just because I was a jock, doesn't mean I don't have any fears at all. I just don't tend to show them"

He countered. He looked wary, as if something bad was gonna happen if he made a wrong move or even breathed to loud.

"Ye ye, come on its safe. Zak and Darryl have been here. Their the only people who know about this. Aside from me and, now you."

I lend him my hand, smiling softly. Making sure he trusted me before we went in.

He still looked scared, but then, he took a deep breath and took my hand. He looked at me with determination and nodded.

I nodded at him to, making sure he knew I was going in. His breathing hitched when I started going forward. But he soon relaxed when he saw what was on the other side of the wall.

"Welcome, to my spot. Its nothing special, just something I found while looking for a quiet spot to read."

"Wait, you FOUND this?! And you haven't told anyone other than Zak and Darryl? And what do you mean its nothing special?! This is so beautiful!"

He exclaimed, his eyes shining from the beautiful sight in front of him. The look on Clays face made George giggle. Clay looked like a child being given a new toy for Christmas.

"Also, if you mind me asking. Why don't you want people knowing about this place? I don't mean to sound rude, but isn't that... selfish?"

"Oh... uhm... well... you see I don't really like crowds. Ever since kindergarten I've always been... different... so different that... I was always alone... well not always... there was someone with me most of the time... I don't remember who they were really... but uhm... I go to this place to find peace and serenity... something I cant find in hallways or rooms... not even in the library... I don't want people knowing about this place, so I can have some ALONE time. I'm afraid that... if people found out about this place, I would loose my alone time. Not even at home... I can't get any space for myself... my parents are always fighting so I cant get ANY peace in the house... I'm sorry... I ranted... its just that... no one has ever had the time to listen..."

I looked at him... tears threatening to fall... Clay looked at me, concern obvious on his face... sadness clouding his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know... don't worry... I wont tell anyone about this place... I promise... and, I'm sorry about your family."

For the rest of the afternoon break, me and Clay hung out in my spot. We enjoyed ourselves, me, I enjoyed myself, more so in years. It was... nice...

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