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_'Nick's POV'_

I was in my bed. Staring up at the ceiling. The scene replaying in my head of what I just did to Clay.

I ruined his reputation...
I destroyed his empire...
I corrupted his mind...
I broke his trust...
I lost him as a friend...

Those words kept repeating, like a song playing on repeat. I didn't sleep at all last night. And I'm thinking, neither did Clay.

I kept tossing and turning, trying to find a little bit of peace. But I know that wouldn't be possible, since I broke the trust of my best friend.

After a few minutes, I finally found a comfortable position. I closed my eyes, and just as I was about to succumb into darkness, my phone rang.

I got up, and groaned. I looked at my phone. It was on top of a night stand beside my bed. It was face down, so I couldn't see the callers ID.

I picked up my phone and looked at the ID.


I answered the call, almost dropping my phone in shock.


A silence swept over. I was trembling, I was anxious. Did he butt dial me or something?

But as soon as I was about to speak, a heard a soft snore, from the other end. I shut my mouth and a voice I recognized spoke.

"Hello? Nick is this you?"

It was George. But, why did he have Clay's phone?

"George? Ye this is Nick. Why do you have Clay's phone?"

He went silent. I could hear him shuffle around. The sounds stopped, and I heard the soft snoring again. This time a little bit louder.

"Well, today, this morning, Clay was calling me. And when I answered..."

He trailed off. I knew what he was saying. Clay was crying. And instead of calling me, he called George.

It stung me that Clay went to George for support instead of me. But I knew why.

"Ye, I know why... is that why you called me?"

I sighed loudly. I placed my hand on my head, and let myself fall back in the bed.

"Yes actually. I wanted to know WHY your friends are so against gay people. I mean they already casted Darryl and Zak out for coming out as gay. But I wanna know why they hate people like us."

My eyes widened. Us?

"Wait.... us? Does that mean..."

"Yes, us. I'm gay to. That's why I'm so caught up in this situation."

My mouth dropped. George was gay?! I was about to speak but was cut off by a silent groan.

I heard George sigh and shuffle around.

"Hold on Nick. Ill be right back. Clay is shivering. I'll just grab him a blanket."

And with that, I heard some more shuffling, and footsteps fading in the background.

A silent fell and left me with my thoughts.

I ran my hand through my hair. I let myself fall back on the bed and let the bad thoughts sink in.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear footsteps approach. I was only snapped out of my thoughts by George speaking again.

"Lost in thoughts?"

I almost screamed. I was startled. But I remembered that Clay was asleep, so I kept my composure.

"Huh? Oh, uhm, yea I guess... sorry... I just..."

I cut myself mid sentence. I took a sharp breath, and held it for a goon 5 seconds before breathing out, almost sighing.

"Hey, Nick...if your blaming yourself about what happened to Clay... well... don't... because its not your fault. I don't believe it's your fault... and neither does Clay..."

I was shocked at what I heard to say the least. It was obvious that it was my fault... right?

"Nick, listen. Clay doesn't blame you, and he never did. And when I heard his story, I knew, it wasn't your fault. The people you like to call 'friends' are to blame for this. Why do they become so hostile when they find one of their friends to be gay or something? So please, for the sake of Clay's aching heart, and your mental state, stop blaming yourself. It wont help anyone, and most importantly, it wont help you."

I was dumbfounded with everything George said. Now I can see why Clay loved hanging out with him. Even tho its only been a few days since they met each other.

George can comfort you in the simplest way. Words. Words can break your entire world, but words can also build your broken world back up.

Me and George -mostly George- continued to speak over the phone. Every word that came out of George's mouth cheered me up. He truly was an angle. Everything that Clay told me about George is true.

He was kind. He was supportive. He was gentle when to comes to personal problems. In other words, he truly is a definition of an angel.

I felt and heard my stomach rumble. I've been talking to George for quite sometime now that I forgot to eat lunch. I looked at the clock on the nightstand next to my bed, 1:27PM.

I heard George giggle over the phone. I grumbled something inaudible. And heard George speak.

"I'm thinking you haven't eaten yet?"

I nodded, and remembered he cant see me.

"Ye...before you spoke to me, I've been wallowing in guilt. I forgot to eat."

George then again let out soft giggles, and told me to eat. I was about to hang up, but then shouted to get George's attention again.

"What? What happened?"

George panicked. I sighed and spoke.

"You know George, everything Clay told me about you is true. I got to see that today. And if you helped me get over the guilt I felt then... by what you said about his aching heart... I think you can numb the pain he feels. Maybe you can heal him. Put a band aid  over his breaking heart. Or from what I heard... heal him completely... I wont say anything else... but think about what I've said... goodbye George... thank you for this... now... FOOD!!"


I hung up the phone before letting George finish his sentence.

I threw my phone on my bed and sighed heavily.

"George... please... help Clay... I've already put him in this terrible position... help him get over this... I trust that you will repair his demolished empire. And maybe... heal his broken heart..."

I heaved myself upright, and headed to the kitchen to eat some food...

(Sorry for not posting. I needed a break. School is the WORST! anyways, I cant promise another chapter tomorrow since its literally 12 in the morning when I post this. So bare with me. I can promise that I WILL finish this story. Please be patient.)

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