Morning sunshine (SO01EP03. PTI)

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Good day! An update? What? How? And only A WEEK TOO LATE! 

I am truly sorry for leaving you guys hanging like this but it has been a rough couple of days. I have figured out a way to perhaps upload faster/more often. I will be making 4 parts per episode instead of 3 from now on! Getting to write shorter episodes means I can use the series' jump cuts in my story as well so that I don't have to keep finding ways to make them as bearable as possible. I hope that it works because I honestly think about this book every single day, and I enjoy writing it a lot!

If you are reading, please consider writing a comment or voting. It is super motivating to keep writing! 


''Where am I?'' You asked yourself aloud; your voice echoing slightly through the living room you were standing in. It was an unfamiliar living room; you have never seen one like it before. The interior looked old, and based on the style you went ahead and guessed that you were inside some sort of cabin. The living room was connected to the kitchen. The kitchen was small, smaller than the living room. There were some kitchen cabinets, a stove and a fridge. To the right, there was a wooden dining table. It was a little off centred and matching wooden chairs stood around it.

''Morning, Daddy.'' another voice echoed through the room. You immediately turned around, where did that noise come from, and whom did it belong to?

''Morning, sweetheart.'' A male voice spoke, still no sign of another person in this room, there was only you. It was silent again. You walked over towards the dining table. You could feel some kind of presence as if you weren't alone, and the voices only proved that point further and further.

''Sam? Dean?'' You yelled, hoping to find to boys. Perhaps the three of you were on a hunt, and something happened, maybe you ended up with amnesia? But you did seem to remember the Winchesters and everything that have happened in the last month. The door of the house swung open.

''be careful.'' The male voice spoke from right next to you, you nearly fainted. How could you hear a voice but not see the person that it belonged to?

''I will'' The first voice answered, and the door closed. Something compelled you to follow the first voice, and so you did. As you stepped outside the first thing you saw was this gigantic lake, you wanted to say it was beautiful, but it gave you the creeps. The water seemed to be pitch black, and the sky was grey. It wasn't a perfect postcard view if you had to be honest. You started walking closer to the lake. You couldn't stop looking at the dark and mysterious water; you hated it. Suddenly a burning sensation filled your lungs as you failed to breathe, every time you tried to take a deep breath something filled your lungs, was it water?

You kept staring at the lake.

Panic had started to take over you, and the lack of oxygen made you fall to you knees, water flowed out of your mouth as you tried to spit it out and finally fill your lungs with air.

You kept staring at the lake.

Black dots crowded your vision as you fell forward using your hands to support you, water still streaming down effortlessly and endlessly. Hoping that gravity would be your friend on this one, you noticed how more water came from your mouth, but there was no relief in the pain you were feeling. Soon your arms weren't strong enough to hold you anymore, and you fell, not without taking one moor look at the lake.

Gasping you shot up straight, looking around you found yourself in another weird place, you looked around to see Dean next to you, he was giving you an odd look.

''Something wrong?'' He asked, biting the pen he was holding, you just nodded.

''Weird dream.'' You 'explained' as you looked down at the bar you were sitting behind, you saw a newspaper laid out in front of the oldest Winchester. ''What's that?''

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