Just a legend (SO01EP05. PTI)

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''Do we even know if this is a case for us?'' Dean shook his head from the front seat of the car, staring down at the newspaper in his hands. You rolled your eyes, leaning back. ''Fun..'' You whined, Dean kept silent. You noticed how he sometimes kept eyeing Sam, who was sitting next to him, passed out. ''You know he's having one right now?'' You asked Dean turned around he seemed serious.

''A nightmare?''

''Yup, I can see them.'' Dean's eyes widened at your confession. ''It's like a distant thought on the back of my mind, I sometimes catch a glimpse of what's happening inside that head of his.'' Dean's mouth was slightly agape, he started stammering but couldn't get out a single word. ''I think it's because of my powers?''

''So you can mind-read now?''

''No, not at all. It only happens when he's like this, anyway.'' You answered quickly, trying to get that stupid idea out of the oldest Winchesters head. You didn't have an explanation as to why this was happening either. You had never been able to have a peek in anybody's dreams before; the only thing that seemed to be different is that you and Sam were sharing this dream. The sight of Jessica, hanging from the ceiling that was haunting Sam nowadays, had been haunting you before it even happened. So it made a little sense that your psychic abilities would be able to pick up on one of its little divinations, just a little.

''Then how come you can see what's happening in there?'' Dean seemed to be getting rather impatient, which wasn't very unusual for the older brother. Dean didn't notice it, but he always treated everyone else around him as the enemy when something was going on with Sam. Which is why you wished Dean showed you a little more patience, it almost seemed as if he was treating you the same as all those others. You hoped he knew that he could trust you.

''I think it has something to do with why I am here in the first place.''

''Your visions about Sam and me?''

''Yeah, perhaps we are linked together in some way?'' You thought aloud, eyeing Sam in concern, he seemed to be in it pretty deep.

''Well whatever it is, he shouldn't have to suffer like this,'' Dean spoke and started shaking his brother awake. It didn't take long for Sam to wake up with a loud gasp as he looked around, noticing that nothing was going on around him.

''Take it I was having a nightmare?''

''Yeah. Another one.'' Dean muttered, giving him a weird look.

''Hey, at least I got some sleep.'' Sam joked, making you laugh a little, Dean didn't find it very funny tho.

''Sooner or later, we're gonna have to talk about this.'' Sam ignored his brother as he looked behind him.

''We're here?''

''Yup, welcome to Toledo, Ohio.'' Sam took the newspaper from Dean's lap, looking at the victim, Steven Schoemaker.

''So what do we think really happened to the guy?''

''We don't know. That's why we're here, to find it out, right?'' You smiled, Dean looked at you from the rearview mirror.

''Listen, (Y/N). If you want to wait in the car until we've seen the body, that's fine too.'' You shook your head, not understanding where Dean was coming from. ''If you want to take it slow with the whole autopsy side of the hunting business that's fine with us.''

''I think I'm fine, thank you.'' You reassured the eldest Winchester before getting out of the car and making your way into the Hospital. Dean eyed Sam who was smiling back at him. He did admire how well you were taking all of this.

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