Chapter 2: recollecting the World Rings.

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Me and Shahra were going back to the Arabian Nights to meet the King Shahryar again saying something about a meeting "Ahhh Izuku you came please have a sit." I asked King Shahryar "So what was that meeting about?"he replied "You see it's about the World Rings you see the rings somehow ended up in your world and we need to protect the World Rings at all costed." I said to the King "I understand. Let's go Shahra." Shahra replied "Alright a new adventure I wonder what it's like in your world.".

                                                                             (Secret Rings)

We went to a World Gate we were granted access after we defeated Erazor Djiin. Before we knew it we back in my world but there was one problem we are falling form the sky I asked Shahra "Hey Shahra could you get a snow board." she nodded while I have a snow board in hand I was free falling until I landed on my board going down the street and avoiding cars and then a massive truck destroyed cars people and tried to kill me but I used Soul Break to run faster then the truck then I was running on the wall of a building and the truck crashed into another building I escaped the murdering truck that tried to run me over.

I used Soul Seeker to try to find that rings when a sparkle caught my eyes it was a World Ring I quickly grabbed it. It's was the Ring of Hatred the red ring creeped me out so I put it in my bag for save keeping I run to an ally way to hide myself because of me probably escaped form prison so I put on a cloak and went on our way to find the other World Rings. The next location was U.A high school because they found the ring so I have to break in because they're hiding it somewhere in the school but what's the best plan then I check the News and found out that ring is rewarded to whoever wins the next U.A. festival. I said to Shahra "I have..." she says "Ohh no." "A plan." I continued.

                                                                             (Secret Rings)

I've finally won the festival this extras didn't stand a chance I also heard there was a special Ring to whoever goes in first place.

                                                                             (Secret Rings)

It's was the time I planed to steal the ring and fight off most of who tried to stop me right about to give the rewards I cut in and got the ring it was the ring of wishes then I ran off the arena before the hero tried to stop me "Why did you steal that ring that belongs to whoever won the festival." a 'hero' said to me I replied saying "The ring belongs to no one the ring are not prices that's given out. There are artifacts that should not have been discovered a dangerous one in fact. My job is to protect the rings whoever tried to use it for greedy intent. Whoever try's to take the rings will be injured or maybe killed." the 'Hero' said to me "Alright if you're not going to give us the ring then we'll have to fight you." "Alright then let's dance." I replied and a few seconds I knock him out with Soul Barrage and I have not used my full powers it was disappointed I expected for them to last longer but they didn't so I went on my marry way.

                                                                             (Secret Rings)

I successfully escaped and now we have two of the seven World Ring so I used Soul Seeker and found the third and the forth rings in the villains hideout that made 4 rings there were 3 rings to go then in a alleyway someone was there trying to kill me for some reason I looked at him closely and the World Ring of Rage and I got it before things gone downhills that made five of the seven World Rings that guy was out cold I located the sixth ring being with the police now this is something form mission impossible I went in the vents and found where the ring was when the police caught me and arrested me and took off my cloak they were shocked and called someone. I waited and I got tried of waiting so ironically I broke out again and the alarm was set off I quickly grab the World Rings including the ones in the hands in the police I successfully broke out with the rings in hand. I was going to our apartment me and Shahra rented 14,000 yen a month is a steal I was on the roof thinking of my past life and when check the day it was I was shocked to see it has been 4 whole years since I went to the Arabian Nights then I heard a familiar voice "Are you ok Izuku?" I replied to Shahra "No, I was thinking on what happened during the 4 years I was gone you know." "I understand it's was hard for you because of 'that' day so it's ok." Shahra said to me "I'm glad to have a friend like you, Shahra" I go on the couch and turn on the News "Breaking News the mysterious cloak figure was caught by police on what looks to be stealing something in the police station not long after stealing what looks to be rings the police conformed that the cloak figure was indeed Izuku Midoriya why he is doing is unclear, Midoriya if your hearing this the U.A wants you back and start over." I turn off the T.V and I went to sleep.

                                                                                (Secret Rings)

I woke up when the door bell ring I looked at the eye hole and 'HE' found me so I was about to woke up Shahra when I looked at her to see she's sleeping I thought to myself 'wow I never knew she was this beautiful, wait what am I saying she probably does not have same feelings for me does she?' so I grabbed my cloak and answered the door I asked them "What do you want with me?" he replied "Midoriya-" before I cut him off  "Izuku I didn't go by that name anymore." I said with venom in my voice "Izuku, we really want you back in U.A I apologize for the mistaken identity" he continued I replied "first, you assumed I took the files just because the camera seen me do it but in the world were 'super' powers existed someone else could have been me then sending me to prison without trial not to mention there were hero's who only wanted fame and money not caring about the public safety at all and you call yourself hero you think I going to rejoin!?" Nezu replied "Yes??" I corrected him saying "HECK NO!!! over MY dead body." Nezu said "fine then we have to charge you with-" I interrupted him saying "The rings never belonged to anybody there are not prices ever there're dangerous artifacts that's not belong in this world. My job is to guard those rings for all eternity I was chosen this job this is who I am."

<TO BE CONTINUED-------------

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