Chapter 5: Phase 3 and new world

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"Sharha, Omega we need to use our full power if we want to defeat Metal Deku" I said to them but Sharha then said "Wait, I sense Metal Deku's consciousness in the core maybe thats the weak point." if that core is his weak point then it going to be the only way to beat it alright let's check if that theory is right "Okay, sharha I need you to thunder shoot at that core." when the thunder shoot connect and it seem to damage it and Metal Deku roared in pain I said to them "It seems that did massive damage to Metal Deku we need to use Team Blast in the right time." we keep dodging it's lasers beams thats coming from the core then it what looks to be him overheating form the lasers then a giant fire ball Metal Deku said "Burn, Burn to ashes." we combined our power not just stop the giant fire ball but it hit the core of his destroying it's consciousness then we power down now the crisis is now over but All for One tried to escaped but we cornered him and now that he has nowhere to go AFO tired to use his quirks that he stole over the centuries but then he tried to counter our attack and we are recovering we were too tired from that battle with Metal Deku then Omega snuck up form behind and shot a laser to his chest killing him instantly with that over with we were about to go when we are stoped by the U.A. 

before they tired to come close to use I used a smoke bomb to blind them then told sharha "We need to get out of here, get the magic carpet." after we escaped the ship we decided to go to my mother's place I was about to knock but I now having second thoughts on this idea but Sharha instead to meet my mom so I nervously ring the door bell to see my own mother.

She said as she's tried to hug me "My baby is back!!" I told mom "Mom could you l-let go can't breath." when she realized that I was suffocating she had let go then she saids "Where were you all these years." then I explain what happened when I was in prison to now my Mother said "So what are you going to do now?" I replied to my mother "I don't know, but I was thinking of-" when I was interrupted by a magic connection "Izuku there is Erazer henchman's are in alternate world from yours." I recognize the voice it was King Shahryar "But, how? we sealed Erazer back in the lamp so how are his henchman's in an alternate world?"I said to him "But I thought I sealed Erazor back in the lamp so how can he-" he cut me off saying  "Well there was an accident in Erazor's contaminate and he escaped." I said to him "First of all, HOW?! and the second didn't I make a contaminate protocol clear NOT to rub the lamp?, you know what I going back there I have an alternate way to seal Erazor maybe even permanently, we're going back to the Arabian Nights." I then ended the connection I turned to my mom and said "Sorry ma, but I'll have go to another mission to do." 

To Be Continued

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