The Middle Of The Night

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Meliodas was sleeping peacefully as of everyone else in The Boar Hat.

Elizabeth has finally gotten her own room and had her privacy and she loved the fact she could decorate her room. It was so kawaii aesthetic and she had so much enthusiasm Meliodas didnt have the heart to say no so he let her and she was happier than ever.

Some kid, about 15, 16, 17 or whatever figured out how to teleport and somehow came to this year.

The kid somehow found The Boar Hat and it was about 2:00 am, he didnt know what to do so as any other lost being, he knocked.

(Y/n) and King heard it but decided to ignore it and go back to sleep, figuring that would be a sign to whoever was knocking that it was fucking 2:00 am in the morning and to go away, the workers are sleeping.

But the boy didnt care, he kept on knocking.

Diane who slept outside heard it from behind The Boar Hat got annoyed and whined.

"Whoever is doing that..can you stop..? I'm trying to sleep.." she mumbled in a sleepy voice.

Meliodas heard Diane's voice then the knocking.

He found out why Diane was complaining and sighed at the knocking, getting up and trudged to the door, opening it.

"I'm sorry but its late..were all resting.." Meliodas murmured in a kinda dry but very very soft voice as he rubbed his right eye, his other eye was half closed as his vision blurry from the sudden light of the night starts and moon.

Meliodas was pretending to sound weak bit he had his guard up, his strength all ready and the next move he was gonna do was get into fighting stance.

"Hi u- WUUUuahah!" The kid yelled and backed up as Meliodas threw a punch right next to the kids face, almost hitting him.

"Oop- sorry kid! I was just getting ready if you were danger!" Meliodas chuckled and went to his lazy feeling again but not letting his guard down even though he wasnt sencing any danger whatsoever.

"So, what brings you hear at a time like this?" Meliodas asked, his vision now clear and he stood up staight.

The kid was only a bit taller than Meliodas.

" work here?" The kid asked.

"Yes and were closed."

"But arent you a bit young? This is a bar-"

"I am not young I just look young what do you want." Meliodas said in a death tone after being called young.

"Umm...I dont know the place around here..I haven't been here and cant get home." He mumbled. And Meliodas tilted his head.

"Hm? I guess I can help you out, come inside." Meliodas moved to the side and the kid walked in.

"Be quiet though, my friends are sleeping." Meliodas whispered and the kid raised a brow.


"Aughhh...Can you just shut up?" (Y/n) groaned from her room.

Meliodas chuckled when he heard his girlfriend's current annoyed state.

" only one of em!" He smiled.

The boy nodded and sat on a chair.

"Umm..I guess you can take my room since I'm guessing by your appearance your a male..?" Meliodas sorta asked.

The boy nodded once again.

"Great, ok, so yeah you can take my room, and Ban will end up pushing me off and Elizabeth is enjoying the privacy..ain't no way I'm staying with Escenor, Merlin, Gowther.,I dont wanna stay outside- ...I'll stay with (y/n)!" He found the solution to the problem by himself.

The boy was confused but shrugged it off.

"Ok so-" Meliodas was gonna continue talking but it seems that his girlfriend didnt like that idea.

She came stomping out of her room with her door slammed open.

She walked out with an angry, sleepy face.

She was in black short shorts and a (f/c) tank top.

"Okay, I asked you to quiet down didnt I?" She said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Were all sleeping so shu- oh umm.." she saw the new boy and stopped talking.

Meliodas chuckled and walked over to (y/n).

"This is (y/n)!" Meliodas smiled as the girl waved awkwardly, but soon she had bonked Meliodas on the head when she felt his hand sneak to her backside.

Meliodas rubbed his head and chuckled nervously.

"Haha! Um, lemme show you to where your sleeping." Meliodas said and the kid nodded.

(Y/n) shrugged and followed along.

The kid had tucked himself in and thanked Meliodas.

"No problem, kid! Good night."

"Good night" was heard before Meliodas had shut the door closed.

"Whyd you let a kid in?" (Y/n) whispered.

"Well he was outside, alone at night!" Meliodas whispered back, lifting his shoulders.

| Bold: you.  Tilted: Meliodas |

"But that's a random kid!"

"Well how do I say no?"

"Hes like 18 or whatever!"

"The kid ain't have no way home, he wasnt gonna stop knocking either way so what was it that was the right thing to do?"

"Well where are you gonna sleep now?"

"I'm going with you!"

"But why?!"

"Well I figured you'd let me! Your my girlfriend anyway and cmoooon, ya cant resist me I know you cant!"

"Whatever let's just go I'm tired."


Meliodas chuckled and grabbed onto your hip as your walked into your room and plumped onto your bed and under the covers.

Meliodas layed next to you under the covers as well.

"I'm only not getting up to tie a rope around you because its cold.." you mumbled as you felt Meliodas hands trail up to your chest as he rests his cheek on your shoulder.

"I gotta thank the cold air then." Meliodas chuckled softly.

Your rolled your eyes before a small smile creeped onto your face as your closed your eyes, drifting away as Meliodas did the same.

Meliodas x Reader | •one shots• [still in process!!]Where stories live. Discover now