Ouch Pallavi Aunty 🥶

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Prachi comes running in and hugs her mother. "Why did you just rush away like that? You weren't even picking up your phone. Do you have any idea, how worried we were?", complains Prachi.
Pragya hugs Prachi back and explains everything. Prachi looks as Abhi and Ria. Simply saying that she was shocked is an understatement. She runs towards Abhi and hugs him tight calling him papa. Abhi opens his arms for Ria and Pragya and they all rush into him. Meanwhile, dasi is bawling her eyes out with tears of joy.
After the family hug, Ria starts to apologise to Prachi but Prachi simply hugs her dearly. They are crying with so much emotion that the entire family cries on their reunion except for Mira, Mitali, Raj and his mother. Abhi remembers Alia when he sees his daughters meeting and is filled with longing, regret and contempt at the same time. How could someone be so cruel?
Meanwhile, Kohli family was watching them dumbstruck because what else can they do. While Ranbir was watching his Prachi with a sweet smile and thinking about how he can totally love being neighbours with Prachi. His mother and family were thinking about how they offended the heir to half of the empire built by Abhishek Prem Mehra. Oops 😬 Nonetheless, they were all happy for their friend Abhi had met his family again.
The whole Mehra and Kohli family gathered together for dinner. Chatting away all their memories and sharing all the things they have missed.
"I have to something to say", announced Ranbir. "I want to marry Prachi. If everyone permits and Prachi agrees. Can we marry?", Ranbir added. Prachi blushes profusely at Ranbir's sudden confession. It wasn't the first time but in front of the entire family, she couldn't lift her eyes or open her mouth. "I just got my daughter, why do you wanna steal her away", replied Abhi. Abhi was also skeptical of Ria's emotion and didn't want to answer yet.
"Please?", none has ever said no to Ranbir. His mother jumps at this and says, "why not Ria?". Everyone looks at her in astonishment. Everyone knows that Ria has been crushing on Ranbir for a long time but saying that out loud was very embarrassing for Ria.
"You have had her photograph in your wardrobe since school years. Besides Prachi is not suited for our life style" adds Pallavi.

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