When will everything be ok?

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It gets super awkward and everyone decided to part for now to rest. Another family meeting post dinner to clear some air. Abhi takes this chance to meet Ria.

"Hello baby girl", knocks abhi on Ria's door. "Hello dad", replies Ria. Abhi takes a seat next to her on the bed, "what are you thinking darling ?". "Everything is so complicated dad, I don't like it", replies Ria. "Do you want to live with your mom and sister?"; "yes dad! I need them!", exclaims Ria. "What about Ranbir? He's in love with Prachi. Do you want to be with him?", asks abhi. "Well, it's not easy to simple forget someone but I want to move on. Intervening in their lives just because of one sided love is not respectable and won't solve any purpose". To this Abhi tears up and says, "My darling daughter, you have grown up to become a beautiful young women".
Pragya rushes in the room and sits next to Ria. She gently embraces Ria in a motherly worm hug and Ria tears up. They all talk about these emotions while Prachi is overhearing them through the hallway window. A lone tear escapes her eyes and she leaves to go to her room which she was told was decorated for Abhi's second daughter a long time ago.

Meanwhile, at Ranbir's place there is a tensed atmosphere. Pallavi is prancing around cheerfully while everyone is giving her a stink eye. "Why is everyone so gloomy? Cheer up! Do you wanna have halva Ranbir? Mumma will make it for you", suggests Pallavi. Ranbir gets agitated and replies, "No thanks mom. How about sitting and talking?". Pallavi sits on the sofa casually and Ranbir starts talking. "Why did you do this drama on the dinning table mom?". "Baby, mumma knows the right girl for you and she is certainly Ria. Prachi likes to play tricks like her mother. Alia was such a wonderful person but Abhi was manipulated by Prachi and Pragya to give Ria away. I thought that Pragya is a nice lady but honestly Ranbir, if she can manipulate Abhi like that and bring up a daughter like Prachi then I'm not so sure".
To this Ranbir simply glances at his dad as if seeking some sort of permission and his father nods.
Honestly guys I hate how the Abhi from the serial is going to marry Meera because his sister and daughter want a mother ..... because I expected his character to be a more faithful and trusting person. It is taking a slightly stupid shape with a Ria so insecure and a Prachi so clueless. I believe that silver screen is a place where we address social issues or simply give people an escape from real world. It is burdening when the story gets so sad with the heroins crying all the time. A women centric story for a female crowd is nice but let the women be strong in all aspects including career and emotions. Women don't have to live to marry.
This is just my opinion and for the people who like the current story, I don't mean any offence. Different people think differently 🤷‍♀️

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