Hell is what my Friend Deserves.

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If Lucifer ever landed in India, and asked an Indian mom 'Tell me, what does your heart desire?', She would probably reply with, 'The perfect groom for my daughter.'

My mum wasn't any different, and the only thing that that woman wanted, or more specifically needed was to get me married to a nice guy. She believed that I could find love on the first date, just like her and dad.
Ha! Fat chance of that ever happening!

When I turned 23, I'd meet guys at the park or at malls or at Walmart ready to take me on a date. I wasn't suspicious at first, but after the first date when they'd ask about my plans for marriage, I knew something was up, also the person behind it. When I confronted her, all I got was a stink eye and 'It's time for you to get married, beta. I can't take this stress, now that I'm getting old. You need a man in your life to keep you happy.'  The conversation went with me arguing about a stress free life without men, and her reminding me about the importance of love.
It didn't really help, of course. It's not like I hate men, I love men but just for sex.

The relationship drama isn't what I'm looking for at this point in my life. But I can't exactly tell my mum that, I'd be disowned the very moment my mom got to know that I have had sex. She would probably have a heart attack knowing her daughter hasn't been a virgin since 17.

Her attempts at marrying me off to decent guys failed when I ignored every single guy flirting with me. I was paranoid, I believed that every guy that ever came up to me and asked me out on a date was one of my mom's matches. I had to go a few months without sex, but then again I would take that torture for a few months than being married to some douchebag, aka men. She somewhat gave up on her hopes to get me married, somewhat being the italicized word. This was before we knew about her condition.

Now that she has something to blackmail me with, she doesn't really try to hide her motives. I'm forced to go on dates with a variety of handsome, somewhat arrogant humans belonging to the opposite sex, with the personality of a peanut.
Asking my dad for help was out of the equation. It wasn't like he didn't try, but when it comes to mom, he doesn't even care about his only child. Whenever he tries to scold her, she gives him these puppy eyes and boom, dad is in a puddle of love.
Ugh! Those two are the perfect example of sickly sweet couples that makes you want to admire their relationship while puking.
The shrill sound of my cell phone broke me out of my reverie. Grabbing my phone, I saw it was my mom calling.

Think of the devil and the devil calls.
Groaning loudly, I grabbed my phone preparing myself for the long conversation that we've probably had a hundred times by now.
"Hey mom," I said the moment I picked up the call. I could hear the banging of pots and pans in the background.

"So, are you ready for your date, beta?" She asked. I could imagine her walking around the kitchen, grabbing stuff to bake her cookies.

"No! And I'm not going to meet some guy you've selected for me. This is getting ridiculous, mom."

"I gave birth to you and never asked for anything. Now when I just want your happiness, this is how to decide to repay me?"

"That's emotional blackmail! I just don't want to get married. Please just give up already."

"Who said I'm above blackmailing you? I'm not hearing anything. He's going to be there at Marley's at 6:00 pm sharp. You're going to meet him and that's final. You know my health is deteriorating, baby", she sniffed and I groaned.

Drama Queen!

My arguments fell on deaf ears, and why am I even arguing when I know I would do whatever she asked me to.
Okay, whatever she told me to do. Why did my dad have to marry an Indian woman? He could have very well settled down with an American girl, and I wouldn't be suffering right now. My both parents would be American and I could just yell at her without facing any repercussions. If I ever tried that with my Indian mom…. I shuddered. There's no guarantee if I would even come out alive.

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