Buy me a Ring, baby.

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The next day, I sat in my office working on some designs for a new client when there was a knock on the door. I thought it was Julie so without looking up I said, "What is it, Julie?"

"I'd much prefer that you call me 'Mateo'." The voice replied.

I looked up at him, mildly surprised.
He walked into my office and plopped down on the seat opposite mine. He placed a bag he was carrying on my desk and pushed it towards me.

"Choose one", was the only thing he said.

Confused, I picked up the small bag and looked inside. There were three red boxes from Tiffany.

"Are these rings? All three of them!"

"I didn't know which one you'd like so I got the best they had."

I removed the boxes out of the bag and placed them neatly on my desk. I randomly chose a box and saw an intricately patterned design with small studded diamonds. A big diamond sat in the centre of it.

"This one." I finalized.

"Aren't you going to take a look at the remaining two?" He asked.
"No. I like this one and it fits me perfectly." I said nonchalantly.
The truth was I was scared of looking at the rings and falling in love with them, only to return it at the end of our contract.

"I was thinking about an engagement party on Saturday. We can announce our marriage to the media and also the shareholders."

"Is it necessary? I'd have to go shopping for a dress and I really don't have time."

"Yes and I'm sure you'll manage. I'll let you get back to work. And Alex?"


"This marriage is not exclusive, I hope you know that. I don't want you to get any ideas about last night."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes, I know. I wanted to say the same. It was just friends talking and nothing else." He smiled, "Glad that we are on the same page." He waved a goodbye and left.

I was actually happy that this marriage wasn't exclusive. I wasn't ready for a messy divorce at the end of this shenanigans. But then why did I feel the twist in my heart when he said that?

Shut up. There's no tug, no pinch and no twist. It's beating normally, pumping blood, which is his job.
Ignoring what just happened, I slipped the ring on my finger and continued working.

Julie popped her head into my office the moment Mateo left. She came inside and plopped into the chair opposite mine, fanning herself dramatically. Even though I'm her boss, she's more like a friend to me. The only female friend I have, my social circle is way too small. It's not like I'm a bitch or something, I hang out with people working with me but they are not my friends. I actually hate people, well most of them, anyway.

Julie, with her quick humor and the bravery to call people out when they're wrong, somehow managed to creep up on me and suddenly we were friends. I'm not sure how it happened, one moment she was my assistant who talked too much and worried about her curly hair more than her job, and the next we were friends bitching about Susan from the fashion design department.

"Ooh! I've heard about Mateo and damn, gurrl, You bagged a good one. He's sex on stick" More fanning herself, her curls flying around.

"Stop sexualizing men. When they do the same we get angry and defensive, but when we sexualize them, it's okay and fun."

"Dang, don't get your panties in a twist. I'm just admiring the Greek god looks he has. Susan was definitely eyeing his butt when he walked out of your office." She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at my ring.

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