Deal With the Devil? Maybe.

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*Alex's POV*

My project with Mr. Jackson was almost complete, except for the final touches. I would have to talk to my supplier about the chandeliers that I'd specifically asked to be delivered by Friday. It was Monday today, and yet there was no progress.

Jessie, my assistant peeked her head inside my office before I could call Mr. Jackson.

"Your chandeliers are here, boss", she said.

"They delivered it now? It's three days late. What took them so long?" I asked.

She shrugged.

"Also, someone named Mateo sent a delivery here."

"Mateo? What is it?"

"A bouquet of white roses. Aren't you allergic to roses though?"

"If you want, you can keep them."

"Really?! Thanks, boss"

"Don't call me that," I yelled, but she was gone. I shook my head, smiling.

"There's this note that came with the bouquet." Jessie barged inside as she placed the note on my desk, then left to give me privacy.

I opened the note and in an dirty scribble was the following message:
Allow me to earn my apology, please. I'll pick you up at 7. Text me your address.


I texted him with a confirmation, agreeing to the date. What better way to spend your evening than watching a man beg for forgiveness?

The whole day at the office was uneventful, except for the delivery of the biggest white rose bouquet which everyone kept talking about. These people sure do love gossiping. I left the office 15 minutes later than usual because I had forgotten to email the presentation of my next project to my boss.

Mateo was supposed to pick me up by 7 so that gave me plenty of time to get ready. I showered, shaved and wore my high waisted jeans and a black crop top. Putting on light makeup, I walked out of the bathroom.

Who said being a girl was easy? It took me more than an hour to shave, moisturize, and choose which top to wear so that it didn't look like I was going on a date, and at the same time wasn't too formal.

The doorbell rang ten minutes later and I walked up to open the door. The moment I did though, a bouquet of roses was shoved into my face, and I pushed it away hastily, but not quick enough to avoid the embarrassing sneezing fit.

"Keep it away." I yelled at Mateo between sneezes. He hurriedly pushed the bouquet away, grabbed some napkins and passed them to me.
"You're allergic to roses? Girls love them, don't they?" He said in a bewildered voice as if the idea of someone being allergic to roses was as rare as a girl dancing naked on a street.

"Are you allergic to chocolates too?" He asked in a hesitant voice.

"I hate chocolates. I know I'm one of those girls, don't judge, okay?" I said when I noticed his scrunched up face.
He pushed the box of chocolate in my direction, "I thought you'd love them and maybe it would help me butter my way to forgiveness." I took the box of chocolate and placed it on the table.

"Well, now you have to earn it. Chocolates and roses failed, definitely." I muttered.

"Consider me advised. You are a box full of surprises."

"Was that a compliment from Mr. Rodriguez?" I teased. His face turned a slight shade of pink before he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the apartment.

I looked at him, casually dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He looked even more beautiful and approachable in casual clothes. I wonder what he'd look like in sweatpants. Only sweatpants!

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