Slash X Reader (Sad, but wholesome) - Waking Up

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July 16th, 1987, 1:30 PM

(Slash's Perspective)

"How is she..?", I asked the doctor, as I stared down at (Y/N), standing next to her bed.
"Well.. she's doing alright, and she's still breathing, so that's good. However, she's probably going to wake up, soon.. and about that..", the doctor replied.
"What is it?"
The doctor took a deep breath, and let out a sigh. He then looked me in the eyes, with a serious expression, as he held his clipboard.
"We suspect she might have amnesia..", the doctor admitted to me.
"What..? What do you mean..?", I asked, not believing what I was hearing was real.
"Well.. we scanned her brain, earlier.. and the pictures look exactly like those of what someone with amnesia's brain would look like when scanned..", he explained to me.
"So.. she.. she won't remember me..? Her own husband..?", I asked, as I felt like my whole world was crumbling before me.
"Amnesia can be strange.. she might still remember you, but not remember what her favorite color is.. or.. she might not remember you, but remember basic things like how to walk, and how to eat, and stuff like that..", he went further into detail.
"I see.. is there a possibility she won't be able to remember anything, at all?", I asked, afraid.
"Yes, but that is incredibly rare, and she most likely won't be that damaged", he replied.
"Anyway.. I have to go attend to something else, now. So, stay with her, and get any member of staff if you need anything, or if something goes wrong, okay?", he continued.
"Okay.. sure."
The doctor then picked up some extra pieces of paper he left on a desk, in the room, and walked out.

July 16th, 1987, 3:45 PM

(Slash's Perspective)

I sat in the chair next to (Y/N)'s hospital bed, feeling so tired. I had only gone back to our house a few times, just to check up on it, but other than that, I never left the hospital. I was so worried, I just could not leave (Y/N)'s side. I then caught a glimpse of movement in the corner of my eye. Looking up, I saw that (Y/N) had sat up, in bed, and very slowly opened her eyes, and yawned. I practically jumped out of my chair, and rushed over to the side of her bed, and looked her in the eyes. Her beautiful, (e/c) eyes that just stared into mine, blankly. She began to sound like she was going to say something. Finally, she cleared her throat, gave me a perplexed look, and said,
"Who are you..?"
"It's me, baby.. My name is Saul, but I go by Slash, as my stage name.. We are married. We've known each other since we were little, and you and I are in a lovely band called Guns N' Roses. You're kind of like.. an extra guitarist, in the band. Do you remember, (Y/N), sweetheart..?", I asked her, hoping she'd remember.
"That.. sounds very cool, but.. no, I have no idea what you're talking about..", she told me, as she shook her head a little.
"You really don't know..?"
"No.. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know how I got here..", she went on, obviously confused.
"Well do you know your name, baby..?", I asked her, making sure that she still knew.
"Yeah.. of course. My name is (Y/N). (Y/N)(L/N)", she replied.
"Er.. wait.. what's your last name? You said we're married..", she continued.
"It's Hudson.. you are (Y/N) Hudson. I love you very much, and you are a wonderful woman. That's why I married you..", I complimented her, with a smile.
She smiled back at me, but suddenly, her smile fell.
"Wait a minute.. what if you're just saying that? I can't be sure if you're actually my husband! What's my favorite color, huh?", she asked me, challengingly.
"It's (F/C), sweetheart..", I replied to her, laughing a bit.
"What?! Why are you laughing?!"
"Because, baby! Do you even know your favorite color?"
She opened her mouth to speak again, but fell silent. She glanced around the room real quick, before turning back to me, and letting out a long, annoyed sigh.
"...No...", she admitted.
"Well.. I can reassure you that I know what it is. It's (F/C).. I won't lie to you about that", I said, as I smiled at her, more.
I suddenly felt sad again, and I took a deep breath.
"You really don't remember anything about how you got here, or anything about me..?"
She shook her head, and scratched the back of her neck, awkwardly.
"Well.. You still have to come home with me. We live together. Our house is nice, and cozy", I told her, as I gently held her hand.
"Really? Do we have anything to eat there? I'm so hungry!", she asked, excitedly, as she sort of gripped onto my shirt.
"Haha.. yes, I promise we have stuff to eat at home.. it'll be okay, baby", I reassured her, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
She gasped a bit, and blushed heavily, turning away from me.
"What's wrong?", I asked her.
"N-nothing..", she told me, stumbling upon her words.
"Alright, let's just get you home, cutie..", I said, with a laugh.

July 16th, 1987 4:30 PM

(Reader's Perspective)

Stepping inside of a lovely, three-story house, I gasped in awe at it. It was open concept, and had a very cozy looking living room, to the left, with a TV, and fireplace in it. Looking to the right, I saw a dining room, with a huge window. I then walked in a little further, down a small hallway, that opened up into a kitchen. Off part of the kitchen, there was a small door. So I walked over, and opened it up, to find that it had stairs going down into a basement. I shut the door, and turned around to look at Saul.. or Slash.. or whatever his name was.
"I noticed some spiraling stairs going up, when I came in the front door. Can we go up there..?", I asked.
"Sure! I'll come with you..", he replied, giving me a warm smile.
We walked up the stairs, together, and as I got up there, there was a hallway. The farthest room in the hall, to the right, was filled with a ton of guitars.
"It must be ours from the band he told me about..", I thought to myself.
I looked down the other way, and noticed that there were some double doors on the room. So, I slowly walked over to the doors, and opened it up. Inside, there was a bed up against the wall, in the center. Around the room, there were band posters, a television, a bathroom that was right off the bedroom, and a walk-in closet. It was a beautiful room. The bed had lovely red sheets, with a grey comforter. It was perfect.
"Oh wow.. this bedroom is so cool!", I exclaimed, as I ran and jumped onto the bed, laying down on it. It felt so soft, and warm.
"Can I join you, there, Princess?", Saul asked me, with a smirk.
I blushed a ton, and shrugged. He was so handsome. He had perfect, tan skin, long, thick, voluminous, curly black hair, a lovely smile, and I felt super turned on by him.
"I-I guess.. Sure", I replied.
He then smiled, and walked over to the bed, and wrapped his arms around me, holding me closely, from behind.
I snuggled up to him, and let him hold onto me.
"I love you..", he whispered in my ear.
"I.. uhh.. I love you, too..", I replied, my face now as red as a tomato.
He loves me! Yay!
"Oh, I'm sorry.. I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable", he apologized, profusely.
"Oh? No, no.. it's okay.. I.. I think you're really cute..", I admitted.
"You do..?"
"Yeah.. like.. super cute!", I told him, laughing a bit.
"Well, guess what..?", he replied, in a lower voice.
"You're the cutest thing ever..", he whispered into my ear, as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Hehe.. I am?", I asked him, smiling like crazy.
"Yes, you are, baby..", he replied.
I felt so happy. I knew I was definitely married to this man, even though I was still a bit cautious. I did feel a deep attraction to him. Yet, I was still so confused.
"Saul..", I said.
"What is it, sweets..?"
"Do you.. do you truly love me?", I asked him.
"What? Of course I do.. why wouldn't I?", he replied, sounding sort of hurt.
"Well.. some people like to say they love people when they don't..", I explained to him.
"I know.. I know, baby. But, I'm not like that. I love you, with all of my heart. You are my everything, and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you", he poured his heart out to me.
"Do you truly love me, (Y/N)..?"
"Y-yes.. I do.. my heart feels all warm and fuzzy when you're around me, it seems.. and, I feel so safe in your arms, right now..", I confessed.
"Well, I'm happy that you feel that way, (Y/N).."

(Slash's Perspective)

As I lay there, with (Y/N) in my arms, all I can think about is how happy I am she's okay, and that I got to take her home. I probably should let the guys know about what happened, though. Tomorrow morning should be a good time to tell them what's going on. But, right now, all I wanted to do was keep her in my arms. I loved her so much. Despite her being so happy, and cooperative with me, I still knew this would be a long journey, to try and help her remember, but I would be willing to take this journey, because I loved her so much.

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