Chapter 2; Disobey

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Everyone Scrambles off their platform towards the weapons depot. I heard Techno call my name. I looked to him and decided we needed some sort of weapon. 

I bolted towards the Weapons depot. I quickly pulled a sword off the wall and ran towards Techno, who was standing close to a tree waiting for me. I was pulled to the ground by someone tackling me. 

I quickly pushed them off and saw it was Spifey from team 11. I stood and brandished my sword. He took a swipe at me with this sword, which I quickly doge and swing my sword at him, stepping closer to close the gap. 

I landed a deep cut on his thigh. He fell to the ground, and while he was down, I quickly plunged my sword down towards his stomach. I looked away as the sword sunk down. I pulled it out and glanced around for Techno.

I saw him still standing by the tree. I took off towards him. Once I was there we bolted off into the forest. We kept running for about 10 minuets. 

The deeper we ran the thicker the trees became. I pulled Techno over to a decently sized tree and began to climb.

Once I was situated with Techno in the tree, I finally spoke up.

"Techno, If it becomes just you and me..." I looked at him.

"I know. One of us will die, but for now the chances of us both being alive at the end are slim. Who knows, we might die before we get top 5. It just rely's on how we play in the games," I nodded.

I heard a rustle from the bushes beneath us. Techno heard it too. We both stood on the branch, and looked around. 

From beneath us Quig and Grian burst out. Without thinking, I hopped down to the forest floor, brandishing my sword. Techno hopped down beside me. I slowly approached them. I saw the 8 on their jacket pockets. 

Grian held up his hands. "Hey woah, we want your team as an ally,"

"And what do you have to offer?" Techno spoke. 

Grian looked to Quig, who pulled a belt with a large assortment of knives. I handed Techno my sword and looked at the assortment of knives on the belt. I've always been better with a knife then sword.

"We will have you as an ally," I decided. Taking some of the knives from the belt strapping them to my own.

I began climbing into the tree. The branch was very thick. With the help of the others, we were able to break off other branches and tie them together with vines so we had a large platform we could lay on.

"It's getting dark. I'm good with hunting for food. I'll be back soon," Quig said as he stood. 

"If you run into trouble shout for us," I said, laying my head on my elbow. He nodded and climbed to the ground. 

I set my hologram on the ground. A screen lit up showing all the contestants. Dead and Alive. On the dead list there were only four names.


After about an hour we started to worry. It was completely dark outside and Quig hasn't returned. Just as we all agreed to look for him we heard him screaming our names. 

We jumped down and I saw him running towards us, Tommy and Tubbo chasing him, weapons drawn. 

I was the first to respond to the situation. I grabbed a knife from my belt and hurled it towards Tommy, who was the closest to Quig. It just grazed his forearm, he paid it no mind as he kept after Quig, stopping to draw his bow and aim. 

As he shot the arrow, Techno pulled Quig to the side and tossed Grian his sword. Grian took after Tommy, while Techno climbed with Quig into the tree. 

Since Grian and Tommy were in battle I didn't want to risk killing Grian. So I hurled a knife towards Tubbo. He sprinted towards me, once he got to me He pushed me against the bark of the tree, pressing the tip of his sword to my throat. 

I can't do much, except watch Grian and Tommy battle it out. 

I watched as Tommy swung his sword and Grian evaded. Grian took a stab towards Tommy's stomach, and the sword pierced his stomach. 

Tubbo ran to Tommy as he fell to the ground. Tommy's eyes flicked around one last time before they closed, and the cannon sounded. 

"Tommy no!" Tubbo shouted. I took the chance to pin him to the ground.

"Listen Tubbo," I start, taking a knife from my belt and pressing the blade to his neck.

"You have 2 options. You can run away from us, and die by someone else's hand, or, I can kill you now," I say. I press the sharp edge of the blade of the knife into neck. 

"I'd rather die then not avenge Tommy," He spat. 

"Shoot him down Techno."

I stepped of Tubbo and removed the blade, while Techno aimed his bow. 

I watched as the arrow buried itself deep in his shoulder. I knew that alone wasn't going to kill him. 

"Tubbo... I'm sorry, I can't do this..." I say, tears forming in my eyes. 

I let one tear fall down my face as I approached him, laying on the ground. I cupped his cheek with my hand.

"Sike. It's the Hunger Games, there's no mercy," I say, whilst slitting his throat. (I'm crying writing this please forgive me!) 

I stand, placing the knife back into my belt Grian yells, "Let's move out!"

We start moving back towards the center of the arena. 

I heard a noise from behind us. The four of us grouped together back to back, weapons drawn. 

Techno was the first one to see the person.

"George by me!" He called out. The rest of us turned to face George. 

He was alone, or so it looked. 

From the trees emerged Philza, Fwhip, Eret, and Hbomb.

"Get ready to be killed," Said Wilbur, emerging from the last tree.

We're outnumbered big time. 6 to 4. 

"On three?" I said.

Everyone nodded.

"One..." Without counting further Techno lunged for Fwhip, brandishing his sword. While Quig notched an arrow, aiming for Hbomb. 

"The Hunger Games isn't fair," I say with a smirk while throwing a knife to Philza. It landed him square in the chest. And the cannon boomed as Phils lifeless body hit the ground. I collected my knife and ran straight for George.

Time seemed to slow down as I threw the blade.

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