Chapter 4; It was never meant to be

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"Were you a traitor this whole time?"

"No, I became a traitor about 10 minuets ago," I say with a sly smile.

I didn't stab to deep. Just deep enough to draw blood. Karl pulled me away from Techno and we ran. 

I sprinted through the forest, Dream in front of me and the others to my sides. We camped a small area of trees in the deep forest.

I felt a small pang of guilt poke at my chest. I buried my head in my hands and pulled my knees up to my chest.

We were sitting around a fire, and the warmth was comforting. It reminded me of my favorite memory, when my whole family was still alive.

The fire in the fireplace crackled. It was a calm evening. 

I sat on the couch, with a small mug of hot coco. There was snow falling outside.

George sat down beside me and wrapped his arms around my small frail body. Mom came and sat down beside George, my dad coming to sit beside me.

It turned into a family hug. Never in my 10 years of living had I been happier then this moment

I was brought out of the memory by Karl tapping on my arm. When I looked up at him, he sat beside me.

"What you thinking about?" He asks, turning his head to look at me.

I sigh, "George, family memories, Eret, Tubbo," 

"What's your relationship with Eret and Tubbo? I know George was your brother but-," 

"Eret and I were supposed to go into the games about 6 years ago, his dad volunteered to take his place, and my mom took mine. They both died. But we've been friends our whole lives. Tubbo became our friend after the games where our parents died," I say.

Karl nods and I turn back to the fire. 

"Y/N, they're going to be after you, you know?" Sapnap says.

"Of course I know. I betrayed them. It's like if I betray you guys you'd all go after me," I say. They all nod.

We hear a noise come from the East, I look and saw it was just a fox passing by. It walks over to me and I let it sniff my hand. It laid down beside me. 

I gently stroke it's back as it falls asleep.

"Do you guys actually think we'll make it out?" I say.

"I know I'm dead. I may have won the games once, but that dosen't mean a thing. If anything it makes me a bigger target," Says Dream.

"I'm not making it out. I'm too soft of a person, I can't bring myself to even watch anyone die," Karl says. I lightly place a hand on his shoulder.

"I might be able to make it out. I've made it this far," Sparkles says. 

Sapnap nods in agreement. Then they all look to me.

I sigh. "I don't know. I have 3 kills. 2 hurt. But if it came down to our little group, I don't stand a chance," I say.

"Who do you think would be the one to kill you?" Sapnap asks.

"Captain Sparkles," I say blankly.

We hear the cannon go off, and I pull out my hologram to see who died. 

The one new name on the dead list read,


I felt a soft pang of sadness tug at my heart. Sure, I betrayed him. But just because I did doesn't mean we didn't become friends. 

Night fell, and while the others slept I was still wide awake. I hear a whisper of my name. I turn towards the sound and see Grian and Techno standing there.

I briskly walk over to them, "What?" I whipser.

"Before Wilbur killed Quig he requested we try to get you back. But you have to prove yourself if you want back in," Techno says.

I nod. "Be prepared to sprint as fast as you can," I say, drawing a blade walking over to Captain Sparkles, who was sleeping peacefully. I plunge the blade down over his chest quickly. As the cannon sounds I sprint off with Techno and Grian.

"Y/N!" I hear a shout of my name from Sapnap.

I run faster. I feel a hand grab onto my jacket and pull me backwards.

"Techno!" I yell as I fall over with the person who dragged me back. 

The cold metal of a blade is pressed against my neck. 

"So you're a double traitor huh?"

"N-No! They killed Sparkles and I chased them!" I say squirmed slightly under the weight of Sapnap.

"Then why did you yell out for Techno when I grabbed you?" Shit. He had a point.

"It was out of anger, but when you grabbed me I was suprised so it sounded different," I say with a pleading tone.

"Really? It sounded more of distress. And you said Sparkles would be the one to kill you, coincidence he's dead," He says, pressing the blade harder into the flesh of my neck. 

"Sapnap! Believe me!" I plead.

Suddenly he's off me, after Techno having tackled him off. The blade managed to draw a slight amount of blood on my neck. 

Grian pulled me aside and began wiping the blood off my neck to reveal a very small cut. I watched as Techno and Sapnap rolled around.

Techno had his hands on Sapnap's shoulders. Sapnap kept his hand on the small blade taking stabs at Techno when he got the chance. 

Once Sapnap was on top of Techno I lunged after him, pulling him off. He took a stab towards me. I covered my head and rolled off, the blade grazing my arm. It was still enough to hurt.

I let out a shout of pain before standing and lunging after Sapnap once again. I grab one of my blades and take a swift stab, but he moved his head resulting in the blade sinking into the soil. 

Now, we had woken the others, and Dream and Karl were now joining. Well, Dream joined, Karl just kinda stood there.


Techno Lunged after Dream, and they begun their fight. I stayed in my fight with Sapnap. His hand came up to hold me still, but I flipped off him and ran, hoping my plan would work. 

It did. I heard him chasing me. I ran a decent ways away before ducking behind a tree.

"Oh Y/nnnnn," I hear him call out. I peek around the edge of the trunk to see Sapnap about 10 meters away. 

I run some more and hear him take off after me again. 

I pull a single blade out from my belt.

C'mon aim don't fail me now.

I say, bracing my self. I stop running and turn around, throwing the blade to there Sapnap was. He doges it easily, the blade sank into the bark of a tree. 

I panic, I wasn't expecting to miss. In my panic I forgot he was still charging me. I feel him tackle me to the ground. I feel a pain in my lower abdomen.

Sapnap just got up and walked away after that.

I lie on the ground, gasping for breath. I try standing, but I couldn't. I lay on the ground, knowing I'll lose blood slower.

"Techno! Grian!" My voice got weaker on each word. 

I'm starting to get light headed, it's harder to breathe. 

"help," I say, not any louder then a whisper.

My vision begins to blur. I hear voices but they seem miles away.

"Oh they're from 10!" I hear one say.

"Yeah," I feel myself be lifted and carried off.

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