Chapter 7; Sprint!

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We sprint as fast as we can through the woods. It seems like we run for hours, but we break into the clearing where we first started. 

I stop running, as does Techno. I stand and stare at the 24 platforms, all in a circle around the weapons depot.

The memories flood back to me. The very beginning.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Techno sprinting towards the small building in the middle of the field. 

I ran after him, catching up and sticking close behind. My feet pounded against the ground and soft grass, hair flowing in the mixture of the natural wind and momentum of me running.

George took my hand, looking out into the wide open field.

I looked up at him. And then smiled.

We ran into the field, laughing. Still holding hands. It a sunny day, unlike the other days. 

We ran faster, still laughing at nothing, just being happy. 

I tripped over my own feet and we fell to the ground. Laughing and rolling around before finally settling down. 

Laying on the soft grass, in the wide open field, looking up to the clouds. Not saying a word, just enjoying the company.

Other's might have said they were best friends. No one expected brother and sister to get along this well. But they knew.

I look over to my brother, making eye contact with his hazel eyes. I smiled again, giggling slightly.

I smiled. I missed the happy times like those.


Why did I kill him? Why did it have to be me? My own brother...

I tripped from running too quickly. I tumbled downwards, hitting the ground with a soft thud. My hologram tumbled out and landed on the ground. I took the chance to see who was still alive.

Y/N of course
Karl Jacobs

Hm. Still a lot of people. I put the hologram away, just as I did the cannon went off. I pull it out again and Fwhip had moved to the dead list.

"That's one less person to deal with," Techno says walking up behind me.

"Top 10!" I say to him, he nods his head and smiles. 

Night falls, and we take cover in the weapons depot since it had began to drizzle. 

"Techno, in all honesty, who do you think is winning this?" I ask, turning to face him.

"In all honesty? Most likely Illumina. I was in battle with him for so long, he's got a fighting chance, even if he's by himself," He stops for a moment, deep in thought.

"Teams are going to betray each other, they are going to want out of here soon. We've been in here a week. It's going to be a bloodbath," He says. I nod.

I sit against the wall, drifting off to sleep.

It was my 14th birthday. George has been gone for almost 6 months, he left after mom died in the games.

I took Eret and Tubbo to the field George and I would run through. I stood between the two, and took Tubbo's left hand, and Eret's right, before sprinting off into the field with them.

We all began laughing. Tubbo fell first, his shorter legs struggling to keep up with Eret and I. He pulled us down with him, all of us laughing.

"I missed doing this with George," I said when we finally calmed down.

Tubbo turned his head to me.

"We are the new George," He said, making Eret and I laugh in return.

"Happy Birthday Y/N," Eret said. I smiled. But somewhere inside me I wished George was here.

I woke to Techno shaking me awake. I opened my eyes, groaning slightly at the light.

He had a panicked look on his face, before I could ask whats wrong, he pulled me to my feet, sprinting into the forest.

I heard swords clinking before I saw it.

Three figures, False, Illumina, and Ren.

Ren stood behind a tree,

While False and Illumina were swinging at each other with no mercy.

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