Bonus Chapter : )

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The support on this story is incredible, so I've decided to make a bonus chapter where Y/N goes to the afterlife and is reunited with the others who died during the games : )

"I won't forget Y/N I promise," Eret says. 

I get a warm feeling, and open my eyes. I'm dead, arent I?

I look around and see big gates in front of me. I'm dressed in white clothing, stood on top of clouds.

I walk towards the gates and they open for me. Suddenly, a pair of arms wraps around me. I look towards them, to see it's George.

"George!" I call out, hugging him back. 

I look around after pulling out of the hug to see all my other friends from the games that died. And...

Mom and Dad.

I run towards them, tears gathering in my eyes. I leap into my Mother's arms, letting the tears free. Dad joins in with the hug.

"You did so well in the games Y/N, we're proud of you, even if you didn't win," My father says. It's been so long since I last heard his voice. 

"Yes, we're very proud," My Mom chimes in.

I nod. My Mother pulls away, and steps aside to reveal Techno. I run into his open arms. 

"You may not have won the games, but you won something else," He says. I look at him with confusion.

"My heart," He says. It takes me a second before I realize what he means. I hug him again.

"I love you Y/N," He says, I think for a moment.

He's saved my life so many times. Sure he was rude, but he's Techno. 

"I- I love you too Techno," I say. I rest my head on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat, it's steady, calm. I close my eyes, savoring the moment.

After we hug, I go and greet the rest.

A few Years Later

False, Ren, and H became some of my best friends in the afterlife. Techno and I were together. 

I walked down the main street of hevan with Techno, hands intertwined. It was night, and we were pointing out constillations while we went. I let out a happy sigh. This was all I wanted in life. 

We sat upon one of the super fluffy clouds, before deciding to pay Eret a small visit. We sometimes checked on him, watching from a distance. Last time we checked on him which was maybe 3 or so months ago, he was getting married to a boy he started to date a few months before we were sent into the games.

I was happy for him. And even more happy when I saw that he had a small boy, maybe about 4 years old or so, chasing Eret and his husband.

There was light snow falling, it was Christmas night. 

"Merry Christmas Y/N," Techno says to me.

"Merry Christmas Techno," I say. 

He planted a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled into it. After a moment I pulled away, and looked back towards Eret's house. The three of them were looking out the window facing us.

It seemed like I made eye contact with him, and somewhere I felt like he could see me. I floated a small bit closer. I saw him say something to his husband and son.

They walked away and Eret opened the window. I flew over to him.

"Merry Christmas Y/N," He says.

"Merry Christmas, Eret," I say.

"I've told him about you. We took him to the field, and he happily ran," He says to me.

I smile.

"What is his name?" I ask.

"His name, Oliver," He says.

"So what'd you tell him about me? That I was a mass killer in the games?" I say with a laugh.

He laughed. "No, I told him that in the games, you were a good fighter. Tough," He says. I laugh again.

"But, I also told him you were a good friend, loyal, and not afraid to stand up for others. You know what he said?" 

I shake my head.

"He said he wants to be like you when he's older," I smile.

"Merry Christmas again, Y/N," He says.

"Merry Christmas, Eret," I say. He closes the window, and I go back to Techno. 

He takes my hands in his. I look back at the house to see Eret with Oliver pointing out the window towards me.

Oliver makes eye contact with me and waves. I smile and wave back. 


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