This sucks that sucks everything sucks

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A/N Again to preface this is still the build up once she turns 16 which is next chapter story story really takes off but I realize doing little snapshots of the years some stuff isn't known so the neverseen never blew up the peace summit  and they never started the plague.

This sucks. Don't get me wrong I understand some of the Neverseens motives I mean equality for all elves is great. I know that's one of the main goals for most members. But It would be stupid to say that at least some of the members dint have more sinister motives. regardless is blowing a whole in the dome of Atlantis really the best way to achieve your goals
And you know it kinda sucks that Me or Rosearra can't leave without direct permission. That definitely sucks it also sucks that I can't see keefe I saw him last year and I have been anxiously waiting for his mother to bring him hear since. On a less mellow dramatic note of things that suck my already bad internet went out during the mcc livestream.
       It's so unbelievably unfair that all we can do is sit her and wait. Wait for what you ask well I'm currently waiting for two things. one is a package from the human cities containing many pieces of merchandise from many fandoms and the other is much more serious I'm waiting for my next info packet on the one and only Keefe Sencen. Not only was it my job  to get to know him but I enjoyed it I found him fascinating. I honestly did not care what job I was assigned at this moment or when my packages arrived.  I just wanted this boredom to end.
   It was only 3 pm and I had already finished all my morning training and  baked a mock wedding cake for my dad and Ruy, because honestly who doesn't like to embarrass there parents while also showing support for them. Now here I was drowning in boredom. I couldn't go hang out with Rosearra she was still training. That slow poke. All I could do was sit here and think and the longer I thought the more my thoughts drifted towards Keefe every single thing I had learned about him over the last year and that first conversation he was just so fascinating. Ugh why can't he just be here already I just wanna ask him more questions that all. I can just tell we would be great friends if I could just see him. This sucks. Just like everything when your in a boredom whole.

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