Chapter Two: Blood Pact (Part 2)

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The next few weeks passed quickly, Mei had gotten acquainted with most of the villagers, she helped with chores whenever she could. She often sought the company of Margrave, the old woman did not mind, instead, she liked the additional companionship.

Mei had found comfort in this village. But she had not forgotten her quest, her yearning for revenge had never waned.

She would have to train, get back on her feet and get her skill in shape. Her leg wound had pretty much fully healed, but she can't fight with a sword. Every time she picks up a sword and tries to swing around with it, her wound would obstruct her movement as it still hurts. She can still use the sword, but her speed and reflexes are limited and slow.

In other words, she might die in real combat. She had gone to look for Bayard multiple times, seeking ways to heal her leg. The doctor gave her some pointers, there were various things that she could do to slowly improve the condition of her leg, but how efficient it was, he could not guarantee.

She did everything but was frustrated when it did not help, and she would then go to Margrave who eventually tells her to be patient.

She had talked to Yeoman over the days, in the beginning, she thought the man was cold and emotionless. But after interacting with him closely, she knows now, that while Yeoman may seem cold on the outside, he was a caring and passionate man.

The man tended to the village's affair diligently, at the same time, he kept a close watch on her, making sure that she won't do things that hurt herself.

Just like that one time, when Mei was lending a hand in carrying some lumber, Yeoman took notice and sent someone to help her, and even assigning a new task that won't require her to use her leg.

As much as Mei does not like to admit it, she liked the man. Yeoman acted like a father and cared for Mei, somewhat similar to what Kenta did.

Grabbing her bow and arrows, putting on her hunting attire, Mei walked to the gate. Today she would volunteer to go hunting for games. It was drizzling and it felt like a good day for hunting. When she reached the gate and inform the guards, they were hesitant, because of her leg and that they did not hear from Yeoman anything about letting her go hunting.

"I'll be fine," Mei promised. "I just want to do something for the village."

"I don't think so." The guard shook his head. "I need to ask Yeoman about it first."

"No! You can't tell him." Mei paused. She continued when the guard arches his brow. "He won't let me go if he knows. I'll be back really quick, I promise."

"I'm sorry Mei, but I really can't let you go."

"Oh, come on Rauve, you know me. Nothing is going to happen to me." Mei tried to reason.

"I'm sorry, but orders are orders. Unless you can get approval from Yeoman. I can't help you."

"Where do you think you're going?" Just as Mei wanted to plead again, the familiar voice of Yeoman entered her ear.

Mei froze, and Rauve gave her a look of pity. She was caught red-handed, again. She should have known that Yeoman would be looking at her like a hawk.

She turns around to face Yeoman who stood, hands by the hips, and staring at her. She smiled at him. "Yeoman, I'm not going anywhere, just having a chat with Rauve here after my archery practice. Right, Rauve?"

The guard shook his face, letting Mei know that her lie was not going to work. Not on Yeoman.

"Okay, fine. I am going to hunt." Mei told the truth dejectedly.

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