Chapter Three: Moon Rose (Part 3)

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Due to the restlessness, Mei could only get a few hours of sleep before dawn arrives. They continued their journey once they had feasted. The lack of sleep did not affect Mei, she could perform as usual without issues.

During the journey, Iya continued to chat with Mei about various topics, though she has carefully avoided the topic of her past.

As they continue to chat, Mei gradually began to realize that having someone around was indeed not a bad experience. It didn't feel as lonely. There was more life to her way of living this way. And Nyx was always seeking attention from Mei.

In two days, they were arriving at the Silver Woods. They could already see the edge of the forest. From afar, it seemed like a silvery outline separating the Silver Woods from the field, it did indeed match with its name. As they got closer, they realize that the trees in the Silver Woods have paler and whiter tree bark when compared to other places.

"So, the man said somewhere near the Silver Woods, right?" Iya asks Mei for confirmation.

"Yes," Mei answered. "We just need to find them, they would be hidden."

"Have you been here before? It seemed like you knew where this place was?"

Mei nods as she looks at Iya. She begins to explain to Iya that she had passed by this place on more than one occasion for the past few months.

Regarding the Night Walkers, there was once she heard of a hidden place a few years back when the Night Walkers were still here. She did not hear much about it, but apparently, it was a place that acts as a sanctuary for the Night Walkers if they were ever pushed back to the brink of annihilation.

She never knew the location of the sanctuary, and it was only a myth amongst the younger generation of Night Walkers. Looking at the current situation, the sanctuary could be very real. For some reason, Mei felt like they were in the correct place, the sanctuary was somewhere in the Silver Woods. Its thick forest and mountainous terrain would make it a good hiding place.

"Let's go." Mei began to walk.

They journey through the Silver Woods in search of the entrance, but the forest was very large, its area was not something that can be covered in a short period, much less two people.

As they began to wander deeper into the woods, they suddenly have the feeling of being watched. On more than once occasion, Iya turns around to look at the surrounding area only to find nothing out of the ordinary.

Although Mei knew someone or something was following them, she could not pinpoint its exact location, she could sense its presence in the neighboring area. Even Nyx did not sense anything, but then again, it was occupied trying to get Mei's attention.

Before long, they heard the sound of water gushing downstream. They realized there was a water source nearby. They began to move towards the sound. They had stumbled across a river.

The sound of water gushing downstream did not come from the river, it seemed to have come from a waterfall nearby. They followed the river, and as they walked, they saw the stream was becoming more rapid and stronger. Until eventually they reach the end.

The sight amazed them. As they were standing at the top of a large waterfall. They decided to go to the bottom of the waterfall to have a clearer look at it.

After they hike their way down, they were even more amazed at mother nature's creation. The water kept flowing down from the top, where it rejoined the river at the bottom. At the bottom of the waterfall, there were some large boulders. If the boulders weren't there, Mei would have thought that someone might be able to go behind the waterfall and live in it somehow. As the thought crosses her mind, she began to realize that the idea might be plausible.

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