Chapter Four: Sanguine Moon (Part 2)

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The rebels did not bring everyone, they would still be outnumbered even if they did. The number of enemies began to increase as more reinforcement began to arrive. Fallen enemies were slowly replaced by fresh reinforcements. Clarions cursed as he cuts down yet another man. They could only hold on for so long.

At the same time, Mei and her friends finally made their way to the grand hall. A place they must go to locate Sara.

As they entered the grand hall from the right flight of stairs, they saw Sara sitting on her throne like a queen. There were pillars around the area, ornate pillars that serve as decorative. There was two group of men – which Mei assumed were Sara's elite guard, and they were seasoned men – standing in front of her, one on each side. Layla stood beside Sara, like a trusted aide, she held her spear in her right hand.

Sara open her closed eyes when she heard the footsteps coming into the hall, she smiled at Mei.

"Well, well. Look who it is." Sara was expecting them, waiting for them. "You aren't being too unpredictable, it seems." She claps her hands twice. "You've just saved me time."

More men came from behind, from the staircase which they took, cutting off any chance of escape. They were surrounded, their faces looked grim.

Sara stood up from her throne, moving forward, her men followed. "I believe we had a score to settle."

"That we do." Mei grinned at Sara, her sword already drawn, and traces of blood could be found on it.

"Kill them all! Leave none alive!" Sara gave the orders and her men charged fourth.

"You focus on dealing with the traitor, leave the rest to us," Daneister said to Mei before moving to intercept Sara's elite guards.

The two sides clashed against one another, and they fought brutally. Mei turns to look at Iya, their eyes meet for a moment before turning back to the battle ahead.

"I'll deal with her until you get rid of Layla," Iya said. "It's time for a rematch."

Mei merely laughs in agreement as they ran towards their target. Mei swings her sword at Layla who in turn uses her spear to counter it, while Iya slices at Sara, keeping her busy.

Mei exchanged blows with Layla, she maintained her attacking speed, she did not allow Layla to have any chance of retaliating.

"You'd burn. For what you did together with Sara." Mei said between the blows. Then she swings a heavy blow which Layla caught, barely, as she moved back a few steps due to the force.

That moment, Layla uses the gap between to launch her counter-attack, launching quick and constant thrust with her spear.

Mei sidesteps most of it, to the best of her ability, and uses her sword to block and parry those she could not evade. The next moment, Mei feints an opening, one that Layla went for at the first chance. She dodges the strike easily and went to the right side, both hands holding the katana as she thrust the blade fourth.

Layla did her best to evade, but the blade managed to slice through the side of her abdomen. Blood oozes from the small wound as she clutches the wounded area with her free hand. She swings her spear in a wide arc at the front, which made Mei leaped back to a good distance away.

On the other side, Iya dodges the incoming arrows much more easily than in the last encounter. She has been waiting for this rematch. She was not about to stay on the defensive all the while, not this time. she would hurl throwing knives at Sara whenever she could, and attempt to get close if possible.

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