Chapter Two: Blood Pact (Part 3)

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As she followed Yeoman, Mei felt the direction that they were going was somewhat familiar, it was then that she realized that Yeoman was bringing her towards the waterfall.

She remembered there was a bridge connecting both sides of the stream, if they cut the bridge down, it would take their pursuers time to find a different path. They could get away at that time.

The waterfall was connected to a raging river that flowed downstream. The bridge was located in the middle, and underneath it was the river. It was a simple bridge made out of wood and held together by ropes.

While Yeoman has a plan in mind, the reality was cruel. When they arrived at the place, there was already someone waiting for them there. To be more exact, that person was admiring the beauty of the place until he was disturbed.

Yeoman halted and gripped his sword cautiously, Mei stopped behind him and scanned the surrounding area.

"Oh, what have we here?" The man asked, turning around to meet Yeoman and Mei.

The man wore casual clothing, giving off the vibe of an innocent person, but there was a tinge of danger around him. It would be hard for commoners to detect it, but to someone who had been to the battlefield or experienced with fighting, they could tell the difference.

The man was holding a metal fan, which Mei assumed to be his weapon.

"Move aside!" Yeoman shouted at the man as the footsteps of the pursuers were getting closer.

"What's the hurry? Why don't we admire the beauty of nature together?" The man smiled at Yeoman.

"We don't have time for this, move aside now!"

"My, you're a rude one, aren't you?" The man chuckles and shakes his head slightly, then he looks at Mei. "How about you, young lady? Would you like to accompany me?"

Mei stares at the man in response, at that moment, she saw the man had an earring, with a symbol on it. And Mei recognizes that symbol. The man caught sight of the emotion flashing through Mei's face.

"Oh, it seems you know about our organization."

Just then, the soldiers managed to reach them. The conversation had cost them. It took much of their precious time.

They were too late now, the soldiers who arrived began to encircle Mei and Yeoman. The leading soldier noticed the man standing by the bridge and immediately bowed. "Sir, I am sorry to bother you, we will catch these two immediately."

The man only smiled and did not give a reply. "Right, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Aldred, one of the twelve Guardians," The man told Mei just as the soldiers tighten the encirclement. "Would you both like to accompany me? I can guarantee your freedom if you do."

The soldiers did not dare to question his command. They went and stood by the edge of the clearing when Aldred waves his hand at them.

"Come on, there is nothing for you to lose." The man was still smiling. "I know, how about you become my subordinate, this way, I can ensure your safety, what's more, I can guarantee you privileges that other people would not have."

"And if we refuse?" Yeoman probed, scanning the soldiers standing by the side.

"Well, it would be regretful if you reject my proposal, but I would have to assist them in your capture, and I am not sure if the interrogation would be a pleasant experience."

"No! Not a chance!" Mei shouted angrily, "I will never associate myself with scums like you people!"

Having said that, Mei drew her bow and fired an arrow at Aldred. The man deflects the arrow with his metal fan easily. Yeoman turns to look at Mei whose eyes were filled with anger. He had heard what Mei said just now, he assumed the man – at least the organization he was associated with – had something to do with Mei's injuries when she was first found.

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