Chapter Three: Moon Rose (Part 2)

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They had been traveling for three days and they were very close to their destination. For some reason that Mei could not comprehend, but she had better sleep for the past two days.

The nightmare that was always recurring did not appear, she would just sleep through the entire night, and whenever she opened her eyes, it would already be morning. And she was always the one who wakes up first. Then she would observe the wolf cub that was always sleeping beside her, seeking warmth near her stomach, curled up into a ball of fur.

And then there was Iya, who was still in a deep sleep. She had gotten close to Mei, and whenever Mei falls asleep, she would move closer to her, even when Mei told her not to, but she still did it.

She even came up with a reason saying it was warmer and safer to sleep together. Which Mei doubt is true.

They had gotten close, mostly it was Iya who always initiate the conversation, but they still enjoyed having each other. Mei would just answer them as she could. Deep down inside, Mei liked the current situation, she liked having Iya around, it somehow reminded her of how it used to be, back in the days.

But then she knew Iya was Iya, she was not a replacement. Mei knew that of course, which was why she liked having her around. The girl was kind and cheerful, and they kind of click together.

Now Mei was observing Iya who was sleeping beside, closely looking at her face. She always wondered why she had met Iya, she doesn't think Iya was sent to hunt her. Eclipse did not know that she survived, nor did Sara.

She was still unsure if she could trust Iya, whether she could open her heart again. She would be willing to give it another chance, but she was afraid.

Brushing the thought away, she decided that, for now, she would put her trust in Nyx. She believed the wolf cub would be loyal to her. Animals were not as complicated as humans, nor were they as greedy.

Mei reaches down to pet Nyx, it opens its eyes and acknowledges Mei by brushing her hand, as if asking for more pets. Mei was amused by how fast Nyx had taken a liking to her. The wolf cub then stood up and went to lick at Mei's face. Mei knew that Nyx was not ordinary, it was smart, and it was smarter than the average animals. Mei decided it had to do with the species, as it was her first time coming into contact with a Silverback wolf.

"Say, could both of you not display such an affectionate scene the moment I wake up?" Iya asked sarcastically, laughing at Mei and Nyx. She yawns, stretching her body before sitting up.

"Since you're awake, let's depart." The smile on Mei's face disappeared when she realized that Iya was awake, they could now continue their journey. Coira Village was less than half a day journey, just at the end of woods.

"Fine..." Iya wanted to complain but decided to bear it. "We'll just get breakfast when we reach the village."

Mei nodded in reply, she looks at Nyx. "Go hunt but stay close."

Nyx bark once, as if acknowledging the command before running off somewhere in the area, looking for prey.

Mei got rid of the campfire and the duo departed, trekking through the woods. The actual journey was slightly longer than expected, and they reach the village at noon.

By that time, Nyx had already returned to Mei, but since it is not suitable for the wolf cub to follow them into the village, Mei motioned it to stay in the woods and wait for them. Nyx seemed to understand as it disappears into the woods once more.

Coira Village was one of the places where many vendors travel from around the continent to sell their items, as such there were many people around and the street was very busy. They could even see people going into Coira Village from the main road.

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