Brown-eyed beauty

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Dinah's POV
Finally I'm in college!. I got my room key and I made my way to room. I found my room number and unlocked the door. I saw a girl with her back turned to me unpacking her stuff. I closed the for which made her turn around in alert.

Man she's hot I thought to myself, "thanks, you're hot also" she said causing me to blush. I put my luggage on the unoccupied bed. "So, what's your name?" she asked, "I'm D-Dinah Jane" I stammered. She laughed at my stammering, "I'm Normani" she said while sitting on her bed. "Thanks for giving me the slightly bigger bed" I said, "no problem, maybe if I get cold I'll crawl in bed with you" she teased. Great I just met her and she's already teasing me I thought but my phone buzzed startling me.

I got a text from my best friend Camila. It read:

Chancho: yo where you at?

Me: building A, room 267

Chancho: I'll be there in a few minutes, I'm bringing Lauren and Ally

Me: KK

I looked up from my phone, and saw her staring at me. "Normani, some of my friends are coming here. Is that ok with you?" I asked, "yeah, as long as we get to spend time alone afterwards" she teased. My cheeks were burning, luckily there was a knock on the door and she didn't notice me blushing. I got up to answer it, and as soon as the door opened I was tackled.

"Get off me mila" I demanded

"But I missed you so much" she said

"I saw you yesterday" I said

Lauren and Ally pulled her off me. I got off the floor and closed the door. "Guys, this is Normani my roommate" I said. I sat on Normani's bed with her and the rest of them sat on my bed. "Can you believe we're in college?" Ally asked, "yeah, remember in third grade when Dinah was presenting her project" Lauren started but I chucked a pillow at her, "you guys promised you would never bring that up" I said. They all burst into laughter, and Normani asked "what happened?". I prayed that none of them would say it, "she peed on herself in front of the whole class" Camila said. I jumped off of her bed and onto mine and I started slapping Camila. I grabbed all of her hair and pulled it, "owww, I'm sorry cheechee. Please stop!" she shouted. I let go of her hair and got back on Normani's bed.

I watched as Camila rubbed her head in pain. We talked for hours, bringing up embarrassing, funny, scary, and stupid memories. After a while, they left and I went to take a shower. I always sing in the shower, and I heard the room door open and close. I took off my clothes and stepped in the shower, I started to sing a random song that popped into my head.

When I was finished, I changed into my clothes and walked our of the bathroom. I didn't see Normani so I laid down on my bed, "you have an amazing voice" she said startling me. I looked at her "" I stammered, "you are adorable" she complimented. I smiled awkwardly and closed my eyes to get some sleep.

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