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Dinah's POV
I kept on having the same dream over and over last night, so I didn't get much sleep. I basically crawled to the bathroom to get ready. When I came out I saw Normani bending down and she was wearing a pair of booty shorts, wow was all I could say.

She turned around "oh hey, do I look bad?", I struggled to form words "" I said. She smiled "you look damn too" she joked. I smiled, grabbed my books, and left.

I got to my class and sat far away from Danielle. I didn't notice that we had a new student. "Class we have a new student. Welcome Normani Hamilton" our professor said, I looked up from my phone and saw those chocolate brown eyes looking straight at me.

Normani's POV
I dropped one of my classes for this one. I sat in the seat next to Dinah. "Class continue working on your assignment from yesterday" he said. She helped me catch up with the work. Then a girl came to our table.

"Hi" she said

"Bye" Dinah said rudely

"Dinah, your not gonna introduce me to your friend?" she asked

"I would love to introduce you to my fist" Dinah said

"Woah Dinah. I'm Danielle" she holding out her hand expecting me to shake it.

"Nice to meet you" I said as I was about to shake her hand but Dinah forced my hand down.

"How about you just go back to where you came from" Dinah said

"Where is that exactly?" She asked

"Hell" Dinah said

She walked away and I looked at Dinah. "Well.." I said, "oh yeah, did you drop a class for this one?" She asked. I nodded "yes I want to spend more time with you" I flirted, she smiled and bit her lip. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Danielle staring at me longingly. I looked at her and winked, she blushed and looked away.

Dinah's POV
I saw Normani basically flirting with Danielle. I wanted to get up and bitch slap Danielle, but I have self control. After class was over I packed up my stuff and I was about to leave but Normani grabbed my arm.

"Where you going?" she asked,

"To my next class"

"Do you want me to walk you?"

"Nah it's fine, just enjoy your little flirt fest" I said before turning around and leaving

Normani's POV
I totally messed up. I need to find out more about this Danielle girl. Luckily, my next class is with Ally. I went to the class and sat next to Ally.

"Hey Ally" I said

"Hi mani"

"Do you know someone named Danielle that Dinah used to be friends with?"

"Friends?, Please she's Dinah's ex"

"Oh, but why does Dinah hate her so much?"

"How would you feel if someone you really like takes you out to dinner and you go the bathroom for two minutes and you come back to see that that person left"


"And she texted Dinah that she was breaking up with her, and she never really liked her, but she had a good body, and she was just a good smash"

"Well I totally messed up"

"What did you do?"

"I kinda flirted with Danielle" I said

"Really?" she asked

"Yeah, how do I fix this?"

"Um.. I say you kiss her to show her that she's the one you like"

"Thanks allycat" I said before turning my attention to our professor.

After that class was over I went back to my dorm room. I skipped my next two classes and I waited for Dinah.

Dinah's POV
I headed back to my dorm room. I took a shower and put on some sweats. I came out of the bathroom and the lights were off. I turned them on and I saw Normani sitting on her bed. She motioned for me to come to her. I walked over to her.

"What?" I asked

"I'm sorry for flirting with that" she apologized

"It's fine, you can flirt with whoev-" I started but I couldn't finish because I felt the softest pair of lips on mine. It was like fire was spreading through my entire body.

We pulled apart and she smiled. "I'll be back" I said, but I kissed her then I left. I quickly ran to Lauren's dorm room. I knocked on the door, and Camila opened. I walked inside and I sat on Camila's bed. "What's up D-Mac?" Lauren asked, I smiled "oh nothing". Lauren got up and felt my forehead "your temperature seems normal, what happened?" she asked, "well... Normani and I kind of kissed.. twice" I said. Camila squealed and hugged me tightly "our little girl is growing up" she said, I pushed her off of me "little girl? You haven't even had your first kiss" I said. She gasped "yes I have", "was it Lauren?" I teased. She gasped "I do not like her like that" she argues. I say goodbye, then I go back to my dorm room.

I get to the door and it's unlocked. I walked inside and Normani is studying. "Hey, how's your studying going?" I asked, "great, but it would be better if you studied with me" she said meaning she wants me to study with her. I took out my books and sat next to her on her bed.

"Before we start studying I need to know something" she said

"What do you wanna know?" I asked

"Why would you date someone who treated you like that?" She asked meaning Danielle

"Well.. When I met her she was extremely nice, but a little too touchy. I fell for her, and eventually she asked me out and I said yes. When we were dating she always wanted me to come to her house, and she would only want my body. We dated for a while, then she text dumped me on our two year anniversary, and I found out that her brother actually liked me and she used me to make him jealous" I explained

"Why would someone treat you like that?"

"I don't know, but can we study now" I said trying to change the subject

"Of course we can" she said whilst pushing her books off her bed

I know what kind of studying she's talking about. I looked at her and she looked at me. We both started leaning in, then our lips connected. She straddled me without breaking the kiss. We then started making out, and our lips moved in sync.

"We should study together more often" she said whilst getting off of me

"I would love that" I said whilst getting up to turn off the light

"Wait! Before you turn off the light I need to ask you one thing!" She shouted, "do you really believe that someone would only date you for your body?" She asks

"I don't know"

"Well don't believe it because there's more to you than your body"

"Thanks" I said, and flicked the light switch to off and I went to my bed and the room slowly got darker.

This took so long to write, but it's Worth It. Pun intended. Peace out✌️.

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