huit, the first task

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STUDYING FOR THE FIRST TASK WITH SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T CARE WAS A NIGHTMARE. Harry had only been flipping through pages and scanning them until he found something. As soon he deemed it wasn't useful, he continued to flip through the pages.

Every day since he got selected, I would drag him to the library for at least an hour before he insisted that he needed to rest. 

After obtaining knowledge that the first task was dragons (I had not taken the news well), studying got easier. We knew what we were looking for, just trying to pin exactly what needed to happen. We settled for the Accio charm, to summon his broom. Currently, we were using McGonagall's empty classroom for said spell.

As of right now, summoning objects was not his strong suit.

I ducked and covered my head just in time to see a book fly over my head.

"Harry." I seethed.

"What? I'm sorry this is O.W.L. level stuff." He shot back.

I picked up the book and placed it back on the desk. I walked up to stand directly beside him. "Watch," I said sticking out my right hand and extending my left with my wand, pointing it directly at the book.

"Accio potions book.

The said book came flying towards my right hand. I waved the book in front of his face and stalked off to put it back on the desk before returning to his side.

"Go on then." I urged.

He tutted. "Accio potions book."

It went flying in the opposite direction. He tilted his head back in frustration. 

"Relax, Harry. You're worried too much." Again, picking up the book that had been thrown on the floor.

Harry looked at me incredulously. "You don't say?"

Returning to his side, I grabbed his right arm and pointed his wand at the book. "There." I breathed. Walking to the other side of him, I held his left hand up. "Now try."

He gave me a weird look but proceeded to do as told. "Accio potions book."

The book this time came directly to his free hand. Lowering his wand, he gaped at it, unable to process what he had achieved.

"Harry." I paused. "You got it." 

He grinned.

✦   ✦   ✦

TENSIONS WERE DRIVEN THROUGH THE ROOF THE MORNING OF THE FIRST TASK. No one was safe; Gabrielle had dragged me away from both Justin and Harry that morning, stating to "not associate with the competitors the day of the game". Everyone from Hufflepuff was throwing hexes at anyone who wasn't in their house, or school for that matter. The Gryffindor's found it amusing to try and give us Beauxbatons girls food poisoning during breakfast. Luckily, we knew enough about cooking to make our own meal in the carriage. We took another strategy. We charmed almost the entire Hogwarts population to say "Go Fleur Delacour!" instead of Harry or Cedric. Fleur didn't like the idea at first, but warmed up to it after seeing someone struggling to get out the words "Cedric Diggory". The Durmstrangs, however, took a different approach. They said some nasty things that had left some of the teachers utterly speechless.

All of this was useless as everyone was trying to get a front seat in the stands, seeing as everyone wanted a front-row seat. 

"Lovely day, isn't it, Dume?" Zach said, taking his place next to me in the stands with Justin in tow.

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