By Your Side

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"Sakusa wake up we are here"

Sakusa slowly opens his eyes. He begins to look around wondering how far they are from the twins house it was around 8pm so it was that dark. He remembers when him and Atsumu went on their first date, Atsumu took him to see the sunset,Komori told him how much Sakusa loved sunsets but, they would see a lot of them in Tokyo. Sakusa wasn't good with people he avoided people so he wouldn't get their germs , for some odd reason when he saw Atsumu his heart skipped a beat.

"Sakusa, we are gonna go to our hotel and then we can go see Tsumu okay?

Sakusa nods and looks back at the window with a smile on his face

[Sakusa POV]

Damn, I'm gonna miss this I know I shouldn't be thinking like this but still most people don't live when they have cancer. I just wanna stay here longer. I don't wanna go

*Sakusa starts to tear up*

I still don't know if I should tell Atsu right now he's with his friends what if I ruin the mood, then Osamu and Kita would really hate me more than they already do.

[End of Sakusa POV]

"Hey are you hungry?"

"A little.."

"Do you wanna go to the hotel first or get food."

"Get food"

"Okay, you can't eat a lot of greasy foods"

"So basically your saying I have to eat soup"

"You can get Umeboshi its not greasy"

"Oh okay" Sakusa said as he looks back outside of the window


Hey Suna

Sakusa wassup?

Is Atsumu having fun right now?

Hm it looks like it why?

Sakusa didn't want to ruin the mood so he just covered it up with a lie

Can anyone see your phone?


Okay, me and Komori are gonna come to his house in the morning. We are already here but I think he's tired of driving.

Oh okay do you want me to tell him?

No no don't tell him

Kay but why are you coming here anyways.

oh um

If your coming here to break up with him that's really dumb.

Well it has to do with breaking up.

Huh? What do you mean

You can't tell anyone not even Osamu okay.


Promise me

Ok I promise

I have cancer.

ha good joke but for real what do you mean

Suna I'm not joking.

what.. but how?

I don't know

How do you know????

Suna calm down

I am calm!!

Suna breathe.

okay. But how do you know

Me and Komori went to the doctor this morning

What kind is it?


Oh wow, how long did they say you had it?

Almost 3 weeks

Is your hair falling out


Oh.. I hope you get better <3

Thanks, just make sure he's up at 9am okay


See you in the morning


[end of text]

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