Best Friends Secrets

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Suna didn't know how he felt he wasn't good with emotions, he wasn't the type of person to always be happy or mad. He was just quite. He didn't have much friends besides his teammates and old teammates. When he started dating Osamu he got closer to people they weren't friends but he could talk better.He never talked about himself or his childhood, until he became friends with Sakusa. He told him about his father that would abuse him, Sakusa was in shocked that he actually told him. He never told anyone not even his boyfriend.

He became nicer in a way? He was still rude but Osamu loved him so much he didn't hurt him. 9 months before Sakusa and Atsumu were dating he realized they way he felt to Osamu, Atsumu  felt the same way but with Sakusa. Suna would try to help Atsumu confess, But everyone knew Sakusa hated being around people but some how he liked being around Atsumu. Suna and Osamu would send text messages and notes to Sakusa and Atsumu. Until Suna actually walked up to Sakusa and told him how Atsumu felt. To be honest he was being pushy "You know he has a lot of fan girls they might take him for you if you don't confess, and believe me he feels the same way. " Suna would repeatedly tell Kiyoomi that until he actually confessed.

Osamu was happy that Suna helped someone, He remembered how Suna describe his childhood with his stepfather and his abusive mother. He stopped caring about himself, and others Sakusa would tell him he needs to eat and how skinny he was. Suna thought he was picking on him, but he was actually helping him in a favor he had done. Ever since then Sakusa and Suna got close. Plus they both had to deal with the twins.

They told each other secrets and kept a lot of promises. No matter what you would tell them they wouldn't tell you anything. The twins knew how much Suna and Sakusa cared for each other. People would make comments like "why aren't y'all dating" or "they are dating just look at them" it would get annoying at times but they just ignored it.

"Sakusa wake up, do still wanna see Atsumu?" Komori said as he gently shakes Sakusa's arm

Sakusa rubs his eyes and yawns

"What time is it" Sakusa said under the blanket


"Okay I have to take a shower"

"Okay I'll wait for you"

"Can you get the knitting hat out?" Sakusa says as he walks to the restroom


Sakusa locks the door behind him and gets undressed. There was nothing on his mind at the time. He was just happy to see Atsumu after 4 weeks he could only see him if they had practice matches or at games. He turned on the water and gets the shower.

"How am I supposed to tell him, he's gonna hate me because I didn't tell him sooner"

As the water run through his hair, down to his shoulder, down to his feet, his body warms up and his body gets weaker and weaker. He didn't know who he was happy to see Atsumu.. or his mom? He runs his hands through his hair when he puts his hands down he feels something wrapped around his knuckles he looks at his hand to see his hair. He rolls his eyes and wash his hair off with water

[at the twins house]

"Guys wake up everyone already left." Suna shakes Osamu's head to wake him up.

He throws a pillow at Atsumu's head, nothing? 

"Ugh yall are so annoying ,Osamu wake up there's food here"

Osamu jumps up


"Atsumu Sakusa is coming"

"HUH WH- ow my head"

"Suna what time is it"


"Why are you up so early"

"It's not even early Osamu."

"Rin you wake up at 12:00 everyday"

"Not today"


*Knock Knock*

"I'll get it" Atsumu says as he gets up

"are you asleep?"






Suna and Osamu stands up and begin to walk to the door where they see Atsumu hugging Sakusa


"No bitch it's fucking Elsa and the Beast."

"So mean Suna."

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"It's called a surprise Atsu"

"But still, wait did you get shorter?"

"People can't get shorter. You got taller that's all"

"hehe, why did you come here anyways?"

"oh uh.."

He does a quick look to Suna and looks back at Atsumu.

"I have to tell you something.."

"If it has to do with breaking up I don't wanna hear it omi-kun"

"Atsu listen please.."


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