Dancing With You

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It's been at least 3 hours since Komori. Atsumu was scrolling through his phone of pictures of him and Sakusa. There wasn't a lot of Sakusa smiling because he always had his mask on. Atsumu didn't mind how much Sakusa hated germs as long as he was with him he didn't care.



"Can you walk"

"I haven't tried, why"

"Wanna dance..?"

"Dance? Atsu im sure it's gonna hurt to walk."

"I'll hold you and I won't let you go!" Atsumu says as he walks to Sakusa

"You're so annoying I hope you know that."

"so mean omi!"

Atsumu takes the blankets off and pulls Sakusa off the hospital and into his arms..

"Atsu I can't move that well."

"It's okay I'll help you move"


[Say you won't let go slowed by James Author]

"See this isn't that bad?"

Sakusa rests his head on Atsumu neck and kisses his neck gently. Atsumu smiles at Sakusa as he rubs Sakusa back. I glares at Sakusa neck and sees one of his mark. He wasn't happy to see his lover go, but he was happy to see him go so he didn't have to see Sakusa in pain anymore. There was a lot of things he knew Sakusa wanted to do like travel the world with Atsumu. But he couldn't do that anymore.Even though he hated germs and crowds he tried to do everything he would for Atsumu.Sakusa listened to Atsumu humming with the music.. Sakusa missed the way atsumu would hold when he was scared, they have been slow dancing for 2 minutes, until~.

"I'm so in love with you"
"and I hope you know"
"Darling your love is more than worth it's weight in gold" -Atsumu

Sakusa voice begins to break as he silently sings..

"We've come so far my dear.."
"Look how we've grown.."
"And I wanna stay with you.."
"until we're grey and old.." -Sakusa

"Just say you won't let go~"
"Just say you won't let go~"
"I wanna live with you"
"Even when were ghosts"
" 'Cause you were always there for me"
"When I needed you the most" -Atsumu

"I'm gonna love you 'til"
"M..My lungs give out"
"I promise 'til death we part like in our vows"
"S..So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows" -Sakusa

"That it's just you and me 'til we're grey and old"
"Just say you won't let go"
"Just say you won't let go"
"Just say you won't let go"
"Oh, just say you won't let go" -Atsumu

"Shhh it's gonna okay omi.."

"I..I don't wanna go.."

"shh, I don't want you to leave either. but breathe it's gonna be okay.."

"I love you so fucking much I'm sorry it has to end this way it's all my fault.."

"Omi it's not your fault"

Atsumu gently lays Sakusa back on the bed and covers him in the blanket and lays next to him. The bed was pretty big for Sakusa so he didn't mind that much.

"It's not your fault you can't control it."

"B..But it is though.."

Atsumu turns over and kisses Sakusa cold lips and rests Sakusa's head on his shoulder

"Just listen to me for once. Promise me you'll get better and not think about death. Promise me.."

"I promise.."

"I love you to the moon and back"

"I love you too"

I'll love you forever and always Omi-Kun.

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