Sunset Lovers

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Miya- I'll be back in two hours my ass

Motoya- sorry! I lost track of time"

Miya- where are you?

Motoya- with Tsukasa

Miya- he's here??

Motoya- Yes he wanted to know if Sakusa was okay

Miya-  oh..
Miya- So he's coming here

Motoya- in few hours he's checking into his hotel.

Miya- oh

Motoya- y'all get jealous so easily

Miya- HUH

Motoya- calm down~
Motoya- He has a fiancé calm down


Motoya- "FIANCÉ"

Miya-  whatever!

Motoya- you get pissed so easily lol"


Motoya- bye lol

[End of text]


"yea, can't really do anything in a hospital bed you know"

"you could watch a movie?"


"Yea did you bring your laptop?"


"Why didn't you bring it"

"we were supposed to stay for two days not one month"

"I'll text Samu to bring mine"


"Have you been eating"


"Do you at least drink water?"


"Does it hurt"


"When you move"

"No just my back"

"You should probably start walking around now and then"

"I need support?"

"When I'm here!"

Sakusa rolled his eyes and looked towards the doorway and glare at the nurse that just walked him in the middle of their conversation. Sakusa knew that they came to take more blood for the 3rd time. Atsumu looked at Sakusa noticing that he looked annoyed. He moved to the sofa right next to him and watched as the nurse took some blood, Sakusa flinched a little but played it cool. He turned his head and looked at Atsumu that was recording him.

"asshole.." Sakusa mumbled under his breath

Atsumu smiled and stopped recording when the nurse walked out.

"Do you think she's pretty?"

"Who the nurse?"


"A little I guess?"


"Why did you ask"

"No reason!"

"hey! Tell me!"


"so mean omi!"

"You'll fine out.. her name is Akari by the way!~"

"Hey! I know what you're doing! I'm not falling for her!"

"whatever you say~"

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