Loving Son and Evil Father

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Sakusa's dad was in a on and out relationship with a bunch of women. He dated up to 7 girls in one month. Sakusa was disgusted by how many germs would go in and out in and out of his house. Atsumu never been to Sakusa's for that reason. He would sneak in from his window so his father wouldn't know he was home.
Sometimes when he came home from practice girls would come out of his room half naked. Sakusa literally wanted to throw up. He bought a lock so they couldn't get in. But when his dad found out he would flip out, say he's ungrateful for everything he had done for him. Sakusa wanted nothing to do with him. He lived with his dad still but he was on a business trip for 3 weeks, and I guess he got a new phone? Sakusa snapped when he read that message

Kiyoomi- oh..

Dad- where are you?

Kiyoomi- I forgot to tell you I have cancer.

Dad- what?

Kiyoomi- I know right shocking.

Dad-  and you don't care.

Kiyoomi- no no I do care but if I die I get to see mom.

Dad- what did I tell you about calling her that.

Kiyoomi- mom? did she not give birth to me or what??

"omi are you okay?"

"yea I'm fine"

Dad- she isn't your mother.

Kiyoomi - Why do you keep lying to me when I clearly saw the wedding pictures of you and her huh?

Dad- it was for you own good. she was a horrible woman. That's no way to talk to your father.

Kiyoomi- my own good?? i've never seen my mother I don't know what she looks like who are you to tell me what's good for me. what kind of "father" are you?

Read at 9:01pm

Kiyoomi- just wow.

*Sakusa as blocked this user*

[end of text]

Sakusa got more stress from his dad he couldn't believe what he said, "do I regret it?" Sakusa looks out of the open and starts to cry again. Tries his best to keep quiet so Atsumu doesn't hear him he covers his month to hold his breath and try to calm down.


Why am I like this

"Hey are you okay?"

Did I really deserve this life


"Huh sorry what we're you saying?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine"

"Okay.. let's go inside"


Sakusa and Atsumu both get out the car and begin to walk to the door. Sakusa wasn't paying any attention to the entrance he was looking up at the stars in the sky. When he looked at the entrance he saw Komori, Suna, and Osamu waiting for them. Suna looked like he has been crying for hours. He put a fake smile on his face and walked inside the hospital with Osamu and Atsumu. Komori grabbed Sakusa's hand and pulled him in for a hug

"Sakusa be careful.."

"I know Komori"

"Sakusa im for real this is serious."

"ugh, come on"

Sakusa pushes Komori off and pulls him inside. Sakusa didn't want to hear anything from anyone. He would've died in the Miya's household if itweren't from Atsumu love and affection. Atsumu holds Sakusa's hand as they walk to his hospital bed or Sakusa would call it his deathbed

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