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Taehyung is in love with Yoongi. He loves the way he silently cares. He loves how their relationship is easy, organic. He loves that Yoongi gets Taehyung's randomness. Taehyung is a random person.

"Hey, sorry. Can you help me get that green box of pasta up there, please?"

Taehyung blinks himself out of his trance and looks at the guy next to him. Taehyung knows this guy. He knows he knows this guy. Lithe body, plump lips, heavy-lidded eyes, pink hair. Small. So small, he can't reach the top shelf.

Taehyung gets the box down for him.

"Thanks." The guy turns to leave, stops, then comes back to Taehyung. "You know, you seem kind of overwhelmed by the sauce selection," he says, pointing at the many choices of Alfredo sauce displayed on the shelves.

"I am." He really is. Why are there so many?

"They're all shitty. You should just make one from scratch." The guy smiles innocently. "Just saying."

"I can't cook for shit."

"Oh. That's unfortunate."

The guy still looks so familiar. Taehyung can't shake it off, so he asks, "Do we know each other?"

"I don't think so." He frowns, then bites his lip. "Trust me, cutie, I would've remembered that." He gestures to Taehyung's body suggestively, and Taehyung is still confused. "I'm on Instagram a lot," the guy explains. "That's probably where you saw me."

Oh. That's it. That's Jimin. Jimin the Instagram babe. Yoongi's Jimin. The pink hair should've rung a bell.

"I think you're my boyfriend's boyfriend," Taehyung blurts out.

For a moment, Jimin is stunned, mouth open. He closes it, smiles a playful smile, and asks, "Oh? Which one?"

"How many boyfriends do you have?" Taehyung asks because he's curious now.

"Officially? Three."

Wow. "Wow. "

"I know. I'm everyone's boyfriend's boyfriend." He looks smug about it.

"I'm Yoongi's—"

"Oh. You're Taehyung!" Jimin cuts excitedly. "Photography wizard Taehyung?"

"I guess that's me." Taehyung shrugs, bashful.

"Yoongi has been showing me some of your work," Jimin says. "You actually make Yoongi look good on pictures. He doesn't look like he wants to die at all. That's magic right there."

Taehyung laughs at that. "Oh, I mostly trade sexual favours to get him on board, you see? Not magic, just sex."

It hits him then that it's probably not appropriate for him to joke about his intimate relationship in front of Yoongi's other boyfriend in the middle of the pasta aisle at the grocery store. Oh, well.

Surprisingly, Jimin just laughs. It's a nice loud laugh. "I also heard you sing on some of Yoongi's recent tracks. You've got an awesome bedroom voice."

Taehyung is not good at the whole normal human interaction thing, but he's pretty sure Jimin is flirting with him now. "Thanks." He rubs the back of his head.

"I'm Jimin, by the way, but you knew that already."

"Nice to meet you, Jimin."

Jimin smiles kindly. "Do you want to go for a drink?"

Taehyung would love that. "I'm sorry. I actually have a date with Yoongi." Then, Taehyung has an idea. The best idea. "You should come."


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