Chapter 20

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(8man PoV)


"Hello, Kuroki?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is Hikigaya Hachiman,"


Well, looks like I've been forgotten. while this isn't really something new, considering my class representative and even my homeroom teacher forgot my name at the time of the registration for my middle school trip, but it still hurts.

"Nevermind, I think I called the wrong person."

I cut the phone and pocketed the device. I felt a familiar feeling of someone pricking at my chest with a needle. Get used to this Hachiman, you don't really stand out anyways and-




"You seriously just cut the line like that, what kind of a person are you?"

The odd feeling disappeared just as quickly as it had been felt, so she DID remember me afterall.

"Well, I was under the impression that I was already forgotten so..."

"So you just drop it and cut the line? I thought men were supposed to be fighters."

"Not me, I'm a lazy person. Reminding you of my existence and our meeting just seemed too much of an effort to be put in."

The line went silent for a while before I heard the sound of giggling from the other side.

"Seriously Hikigaya, you have a really different sense of humor."

"I was actually stating the truth," I moved out of the corridor to an open stairwell for less disturbance, "For all that people may say about me, no one can claim that I am a liar."

"You're seriously claiming that you never lie? C'mon Hikigaya there's no person on earth who can claim that, and neither will anyone you know support that claim."

"How others interpret my words is a different matter altogether. From my side though I've never been factually incorrect or spoken anything I don't believe in."

"So you take no shame in misleading people with vague words and misunderstandings?"

"I pride myself in that."

Another round of silence followed by a more pronounced laughter.

"You should become a lawyer Hikigaya."

"I shall consider that option as well, Kuroki."

There was a small pause and a background noise of what I assumed to be footsteps.

"You know I planned on having a bit of fun with you, I thought it would be funny to have you try and remind me of our meeting with me playing innocent and never remembering it."

"Sorry for spoiling your fun."

"You should be, afterall you're a day late."

"I was too nervous to call you yesterday." I spoke in a bland voice.

"You seriously expect me to believe that?"

"Fine, I woke up late and spent the day in a daze. The slip remained hidden in my pocket until I found it now."

"Sounds oddly reasonable, for you that is."

"I told you," I felt my lips curving in a smirk, "I don't lie."

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