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It has been 1 month at Hogwarts already but time feels like it has been flying by too quickly. I haven't had another encounter with Draco since then but he has still been picking on me. It is now winter at Hogwarts and I have heard many people talking about a Yule Ball whatever the hell that is.

"Hey Nadia who are you going with?" asked Ginny

"Oh, what are you talking about?" I really had no clue I knew about the Ball but didn't know it was necessary to have a date.

"Oh don't be dumb," Ron laughed. "It's a date to a really big dance pretty much apparently it's a big deal," he said.

"Oh, do you need to date to this event?" I asked

"Well of course you do" responded Hermionie.

"Well Cedric has been talking about you lately and I bet you he is going to ask you" Ginny giggled.

"Oh-" I said sheepishly.

And just my luck Cedric started to walk over to me. I could see Draco in the corner of my eye. I thought this is the perfect opportunity and so I took it.

"Hey Nadia... Um, I was wondering if you would like to attend the Yule ball with me" asked Cedric.

"Oh- well-I..." I turned to see Draco, he looked mad his eyes went from soft and concentrated to cold and fiery and his knuckles now clenched. Perfect.

"Yes, I would love to go with you, Cedric," I said.

Just then Draco stood up and left without a word. Surprisingly, usually, he would make a scene or something but no, nothing.

A couple of days have passed and tomorrow is the Yule Ball. To my surprise, I was actually excited rather than being nervous.

I was on my way to my class and I was running late. Shoot how could I be so stupid. At least it wasn't Snape's class, Professor Lupin is usually more understanding. But of course at the end of the hall a couple of doors past my class was Draco. Of course it was him, but I looked straight ahead to where I was going nice and slow so I didn't look panicked. He passed me and just when I thought I had dodged a bullet I felt a hand on my wrist once again, the memories started to come back once again. Here I was again pinned against a wall just like I was a month ago with the same person who I hated. But I started to think. Do I really hate him?

This time it was more forceful and there was more feeling this time.

"Bet you, Diggory doesn't do this to you," he snarled.

"Well no but-" before I could say another word I foundmyslef cuts short by a soft kiss, I didn't know what to do. I was already late so I couldn't use that as an excuse but I did have an idea. I broke the kiss pulled away and said;

"On the contrary, he does and is a much better kisser than you are," I said with a very accomplished smug look on my face.

He stood there with his icy cold eyes and I couldn't tell if he could see through my lie or if he was actually hurt. I pushed him off of me but before I could go anywhere he grabbed the back of my neck, turned me around, and kissed me harder this time and more passionate than ever. 

I didn't know how to feel and didn't know what to do. In one hand I liked the attention but was terrified for what I could get myself into and on the other hand I have a date it isn't fair to Cedric to be doing this so I stuck to my gut and without thinking I kneed him in the shin and ran to my class leaving him there alone and with a now hurt leg. I came in late and Lupin excused me but I couldn't pay attention to anything. Not what Hermionie was telling me, not what Lupin was talking about, nothing.

Finally the end of the day. I went to go sit with Cedric and held his hand and kissed him on the cheek. I saw Draco across from me and I wanted him to see me and Cedric together. I wanted him to hurt.

"Hey Cedric quite the good kisser Nadia is eh," Draco said from his seat.

I whipped my head around and gave him a death glare. What the hell is he doing, this is not going to end well not for me anyway.

"HAHA sure is and how would you know that Malfoy" replied Cedric.

NO NO NO oh merilin tell me this is a bad dream.

"Well I would know because I kissed her today" he replied with a cunning smirk.

Cedric froze and looked at me.

"Is that true Nadia?" Cedric asked me

"Yes, well no well... Yes but only because I was forced too." I said in a sad tone but glaring at Draco "I'm so sorry Cedric it wasn't-" I was cut off

"It's not your fault Nadia. It's that little spoiled brats fault" said Cedric almost getting up.

"And what are you going to do about it Diggory?" laughed Draco. At that moment Cedric had had enough and stood but making his chair fall over. People are starting to stare now.

"Stand up Malfoy" demanded Cedric.

Draco stood up fast and walked over inches away from Cedric.

"Enough boys! If anyone lays anything but one finger on each other you will be seeing detention the rest of the year or better yet expelled" shouted Professor McGonagall.

Both Draco and Cedric gave each other a scowl and a huff but sat down for they didn't want to be expelled or get detention with Snape.

"Good that's quite enough of that 20 points off of Slytherin and Gryffindor" Professor McGonagall said.

Anger and sighs arise from the Gryffindor and the Slytherin table.

"Cedric, thank you for standing up to that. You didn't have to and I'm so sorry again" I said.

"Don't worry about it I believe you. If you say it wasn't your fault it wasn't Malfoy is a bad guy and you should probably stay away from him or you'll find yourself in his trouble and that's the last thing you want" Cedric said.

"What do you mean trouble?" I asked

"Oh yes, I forgot you are still new here right Draco is-"

"Cedric NO" Hermionie snapped.

"She has to know she has every right to" Cedric insisted

"No, plus you don't know if it's true!" Hermione snapped.

Cedric turned to me and whispered "Rumour has it he is a death eater".

I froze not knowing what to say.

we were just kids (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now