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I stared at it. How is this possible!? Where are we the same!? Was I a death eater as well and I never even knew. How could I have gone my whole life not even knowing what the mark was. how could I be so blind, why did this happen to my, why did the Dark Lord give this to me? I had a million questions in my head.

"Draco... Does your mark ever hurt sometimes like-" I was cut off

"Nadia do you know what this means?"

"No, I just thought it was some sort of punishment the Dark Lord had given me-"

"Nadia, you are a death eater. Has no one told you about this!"

"No. I haven't told anyone. I kept it from everyone, even my parents. I had learnt at a very young age to keep it hidden I always knew it was bad but never knew it was this bad."

"Nadia you may not tell anyone about your mark keep it hidden, It's best if you do, the Dark Lord gave it to you for a reason, not just the death of your parents- I can't say why because I do not know, but you must not tell anyone else" he sounded so concerned and then I realized why we had such a connection, it is because we are the same. We are just kids- we have this pressure on our shoulders. But I didn't want it. I wanted it to go away forever. I wanted to go right there and then disappear and never come back. I hated everyone.. everything... I didn't understand- why me?

I didn't realize at this point tears were falling from my eyes like rain- I was so deep in thought then I felt a hand brush away my tears.

"I won't let anything happen to you, I promise" he said

I covered up my mark with my spell and for the first time I felt safe, with him the boy who I thought I hated the most, beside me- comforting me, now holding me.

We sat there on the bench in silence, at this point we were both crying, my head in the crook of his neck, his head on top of mine it felt like home and it felt so amazing and I have never felt safer with anyone.

It has been 30 minutes of us crying together, and it felt right like this was where I was supposed to be in the arms of this boy, crying away our fears.

"Draco... I think- I might-"

Just then I was cut off by a voice. It was Cedric.

"Nadia what is going on! Did Malfoy-" he stopped. He then realized I had been with Malfoy the entire time. He stared at us, he was hurt but I couldn't explain what had happened.

"Did he hurt you?" asked Cedric.

"No of course not!" I answered with a shocked voice.

"Stand up Malfoy." Cedric demanded.

"This is the last time being nice. Stand up and ready your wand. You hurt Nadia and I'm sick of it!" Cedric had sounded so angry, I have never heard him like this before.

"No he didn't Cedric stop this at once!" I yelled

"Why are you protecting him! Oh I see you are afraid of him! That's it!!"

Before I could say anything Cedric fired a spell at Draco. (I know this isn't Cedrics personality but let's just go with it here). Lucky Draco is no fool and dodge it. He fired back with the same spell. Cedric dodges it.

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" I screamed.

"This doesn't involve you!" Cedric pushed me out of the way and I tripped over a block of ice and hit my head. Already being almost drunk my head was spinning all I could see was flashes of green and orange and blurred yelling. The next thing I saw was Draco on the ground blood seeping into the snow. Cedric standing there not knowing what to do.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!" I screamed at Cedric.

He stood there looking like a fool.

"GO GET HELP YOU JERK!" I screamed again.

There I was, kneeling over Draco's body, his blood pooling around me... He was in pain and I couldn't bear it, tears filled his eyes.

"Don't worry Draco help is on the way. I promise you are going to be ok, just hold on... Don't leave me" I said without even thinking.

Professor Snape and Mcgonagall came rushing out and they worked together and were saying a spell together and Draco's blood was disappearing around him. Soon after I felt a sharp pain where my hidden mark laid on my skin the next thing I knew I had fainted.

we were just kids (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now