
14 1 0

It was coming to the end of Christmas break and I still had the feeling of being torn and broken but lucky for me I had experience with this feeling and kept it hidden from my parents. They had no clue about Draco, about the mark, about anything I felt so alone and misunderstood.

"Is everything ok dear?" my dad asked me looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Yes I'm fine why" I lied, I wanted to tell him everything but I couldn't.

"Ok kiddo just making sure, did you want to talk about your year so far?"

There was only a day left of Christmas break till everyone returned back.

"No thanks not in the mood"

It was silent

"Oh looks like the mail is here would you mind going to get it?"


I walked out and grabbed the mail. I was shuffling through the letters when I lost my breath for a second. I had received a letter. I ran back to the house, put the mail on the table and ran upstairs before my dad could ask me another question.

I opened the letter. It read:

Dear Nadia

I am so deeply sorry the way I left things off. I couldn't hold my emotions back and I am so troubled with my own problems I put what I was feeling onto you. I can't believe I let someone so special slip through my fingers. The truth is I love you and never stopped loving you. I was so scared of losing you that I tried to hurt you to get away from it.

I cannot believe what I have done and miss you all the time. You will probably never want to talk to me or see me ever again but if anything were to happen to me or you I wanted to tell you how I really felt before it might be too late. On another note I have talked about you to my mother Narcissa and she has agreed along with my Father Lucius that you may come over for a day or two or how long you need, it's the least I can do. Please respond, we really need to talk. I really need to talk to you.

Love, Draco.

I couldn't believe it! What does he mean? Before it was too late? Before what?! Why now?!

I have to go! No I can't I hate him he hates me! Wait does he really? Or is it all in my head? I need to see him and that's exactly what I am going to do.

"Dad I am leaving I don't know how long I will be don't ask questions I just need to leave right now today."

He stood there staring at me confused but he knew this was important to me.

He nodded, I ran upstairs packed my trunk and before I stopped to think even for a second I was off to see the boy who broke my heart.

(sorry this chapter is short and a little rushed but it gets better trust me!)

we were just kids (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now