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I walked downstairs with Draco. I saw Narcissa and Lucius at the bottom of the stairs Lucius held his hand out and I took it and they put their hand on my back, Narcissa on one side Lucius the other.

I sat at the table and told them everything, how I got my mark and how the Dark Lord had given it to me and why, the death of my parents which still stings to this day. I fought back my tears and told them everything that I know. They looked at each other, they looked scared not just for me but for them as well.

"Ok this is what we are going to do Nadia" says Narcissa.

"We will say Draco found another student with the same mark as him because of a coincidence, we will say that we brought you in, clearly the Dark Lord does not yet know about you or what you look like now." explains Narcissa.

"You need to act like you don't know who we are though, and you must not show that you love Draco no matter what happens." Explains Lucius.

That was a very hard task but I accepted. They were risking so much for me, I couldn't believe it.

They called Draco in and explained the plan.

"This is a very bad time for this Nadia.." added Lucius. "Us death eaters were planning an attack on Hogwarts tomorrow night and I am sorry you need to hear this but it is better we tell you rather than finding out all of a sudden tomorrow in front of the Dark Lord."

I couldn't believe it. What about Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Ron and all my other friends. I stared at Draco. He had a very drained face and he looked very upset.

"I'm sorry Nadia," Draco said.

I looked at him not knowing what to say. Draco had told me about the vanishing cabinet and about the death eaters coming to Hogwarts but hearing all of it again was so overwhelming.

I agreed to promise not to act surprised tomorrow and we discussed further planning. I was exhausted so I excused myself and went back upstairs to bed. Draco followed me up and I got back into the warm velvet sheets and so did he. I turned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead and whispered;

"No matter what happens you are worth it... Every bit of it."

He looked at me at kissed me back and said;

"Nadia all the days and months I've known you.. I just keep falling in love with you, everyday, every hour and every minute."

I huged him and could feel his warm body on mine. It felt so good, it felt like home and felt like the last time...

(I'm sorry if this is confusing but please keep going it will be more clear near the end)


we were just kids (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now