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Professors and students readied to fight the fight for it was almost time, barricades were put up and stone soldiers were under a spell to fight for us it was chaos. Just then flares came from the north and hit the Hogwarts shield it will only hold for so long. I readied my wand along with Harry, Hermionie, Ron and Ginny beside me. We were ready.

It had been half an hour and the barricade was broken and the fight had already started with the stone soldiers against giant people falling to their knees, hitting the ground so many lost. Sooner or later Voldemort came with his minions and the Malfoys beside him. I saw Draco. He looked so sacred but tried not to show it. I ran and saw that Voldemort ran after me, killing anyone who got in his way, I ran as fast as I could and hid. I had noticed looking back that Draco had followed after him.

I felt like I had been running for hours upon hours just shooting any spell I could think of but Voldemort kept striking back. I managed to run to the center of the school once again. Voldemort shouted for everyone to stop. His minions and everyone stopped his shout so loud. Everyone stopped to see me in the middle of the school walkway Voldemort on the other side. His minions joined him on the other side Draco came running up beside Voldemort. Everyone was looking at me at this point, I was tired of running and was weak. Voldemort starts to laugh along with his minions. He said;

"Give up Nadia, you will die just like your parents did." He laughed.

"No. Not like my parents. They were scared, I am not scared of you. Not anymore because I realize you are a coward and will die just like everyone else except your death will be slow and painful and you will burn in hell where you belong." I said shouting.

Voldemort had a very enraged look on his face lifted his wand but before he could say the spell Draco ran over to me and lifted his wand against Voldemort's spell I joined in with my wand. It was us against him although he was much stronger than we were. He looked at me scared knowing we can't fight him off. I looked at him knowing we are going to die.

"Draco no" I said in tears. But I knew this was what he wanted to do and I couldn't change his mind. I said;

"I love you Draco and always will" I gave him one last kiss. He said;

"I love you Nadia, Ive loved you more tan anyone I have ever met. I will see you on the beach and in our little cottage on the beach and we will grow old and no pain can come to us my love..."

 And with that we let go of our wands together and held hands. The last thing I remember was holding his hand and seeing his grey blue eyes before seeing darkness.

We lie there on the ground together with our hands still attached. Nothing could ever tear us apart. Our bodies are all that remains of us. Our bodies will be forgotten but the memories will never die. We were just kids...

4 years later.

Ginny's POV

The battle of Hogwarts is finished and the Dark Lord had been deafest by Harry. The loss of Nadia and Draco was almost unbearable. It hurts not being able to see her smile everyday. It hurts not being able to see Draco tease her, I always knew that they were meant to be. Their loss has gone down in Hogwarts history and they are never forgotten. I hope whoever they are are, they are happy and looking down and protecting us, watching over us, everyday hurts without them but I know they are together and happier than ever up there.

Hermionies POV

I still couldn't believe it. They died together and where willing to do so. When I saw them die they held hands and they lied there, their hands still attached. just moments after Voldemort had killed them Harry stepped in and shot a spell at Voldemort killing him. But after he fired that spell and the war was over no one said a thing. The death eaters stood there, most of them leaving and walking away, it was over and they had lost. The loss of Nadia had seemed to spark something in everyone, knowing that love truly was powerful. Ginny, Harry, Ron and I stepped to their bodies crying and screaming, many people joined and gathered around the great lost of friends. We carried them not letting their hands be pulled apart in respect and hurried them together. It has been so hard without seeing Nadia's beautiful smile and Draco's arrogant teasing, everyday is getting easier but pains me whenever anyone says their name. After all we are all just kids....

Thank you for reading I know it was a sad ending but I will be writing more stories that aren't as sad and with more spice! Please vote or suggest this story for it is the first story I have ever wrote about Harry Potter! Stay tuned!

we were just kids (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now