Chapter 11

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The Next Day

Laura and Kara had Kacey ready right on time for school, and for the first time, both of the woman boarded with their daughter to head to Galactica. Kara was nervous, at least a little bit, but she was needing to get back into some kind of routine, which meant eventually flying again, and most likely becoming CAG.

She was still taking it one day at a time.

As they landed in the Starboard hangar, and the Raptor's hatch opened, literally the first two people Kara laid eyes on were Chief Tyrol and his wife Cally.

"Robert", she heard the Chief yelling, "get that coil assembly over here, on the double, man!"

Kara looked at Laura and they both smiled. "Ah, some things never change", Kara said with a laugh.

Laura rolled her eyes at the same time Kara got up and went to the hatch.

"Hey Chief, not everyone can move as fast as you!"

Galen turned around, wondering who had said that...and saw the blonde standing on the wing.

"Starbuck?" Galen broke out in a grin, laughing as he approached the wing. "Who the hell let you back on the ship?"

Kara jumped off the wing, Laura and Kacey on the wing behind her, a set of stairs being placed for the other two."

"I still have a little pull around here", she said dead-pan, then laughed loudly, grabbing the Chief into a hug. "Gods, I've missed you!"

"I've been worried about you, Captain", Galen said seriously. "You're not looking too bad right now."

"Hey!" The looked to Galen's left, Cally Tyrol running over, hugging Starbuck as well. "Kara, gods, welcome back!"

Other mechanics and hangar personnel had seen the commotion, and gathered in the area, many yelling welcome and encouragement to Starbuck.

"OK, everyone", she said seriously, but with a smile that belied the voice, "I'm simply getting my daughter to school, you got it?" Everyone clapped, seeing Kara with Laura in person, with their daughter, for the first time. "I promise I'll stop by later and order all of you around." Everyone that heard it laughed.

"You better come back here, Kara", Chief said. "It's been a while since we got to chat."

"I know", Kara said warmly. "I won't forget what you guys did for me down there, Galen."

Galen blushed. "I would have done it for anyone, you know that?"

"I know", Kara said, grabbing his arm, "but it's still never going to be forgotten." She turned to leave, then stopped. "Oh, you're gonna tell me about when they brought the Raider yesterday, you go it?"

He gave Kara a sloppy salute. "Yes, Captain", he bawled, making her laugh as she walked away holding the hand of both her daughter and her wife.

Laura had a meeting slated with Admiral Adama right after they had dropped Kacey off at school. After her meeting, the President would return to Colonial One for a meeting with the Quorum, then she was scheduled to visit two ships, before returning home about 1700. Kara was planning to catch the Admiral before she left.

Kara walked the innards of Galactica toward CIC. Most everyone who saw her along the way said hi to her, or welcomed her back, or even congratulated her about Kacey and her marriage to the President. The response had Kara on Cloud Nine when she approached CIC. She could hear the usual, noisy chatter from within even before she entered.

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