Chapter 14

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Kara opened her eyes the next morning, feeling like a new woman-a bit sore, as she hadn't had a workout like the night before in a long time. It wasn't as school day, so they had a blessed morning to sleep in. Even the President of the Colonies slept in on weekends.

She looked over at Laura, who was on her back, a small smile creased her lips, and she was breathing deeply and steadily, the signs of a good night sleep.

She should have gotten a good night's sleep, Kara thought with an inward chuckle. I think I gave her like eight orgasms.

The covers were only up to Laura's navel, her large, beautiful breasts rising and falling with her even breathing. Part of Kara wanted to lean over, and take a nipple in her mouth, but she knew Laura needed the rest-her job didn't leave much room for a bad day, or for insomnia. As quietly as she could, she got up, put the sheets over Laura in case Kacey came bounding in. Kara walked the few steps to the en-suite, taking a quick shower, then throwing on a t-shirt and jeans. She turned and lightly kissed Laura on the forehead, as she headed out into the main part of their abode on Colonial One, to prepare breakfast for Kacey.

Kara opened Kacey's door. She saw Kacey startle under the covers, pretending to be asleep. Kara couldn't keep a giggle in.

"Gee, I wonder where Kacey is", she said in a mock voice of wonder. "All I see in her bed is a big lump. I wonder if that lump at my daughter." She walked closer to the bed. "Hmm, I wonder if I sit on the lump if..."

Kacey threw off the covers and laughed. "I fooled you, momma! I'm awake!"

The little blonde bounded into the arms of the bigger one, both of them laughing. Kara gave Kacey a quick kiss on the cheek.

"How's my big girl this morning?"

"I slept all night, momma. Didn't wake up once."

"Good for you, kiddo! Want some breakfast?"

"Eggs? Toast?"

"Sounds like breakfast to me", Kara said, hugging the Kacey tightly.

"Is Mommy gonna eat with us?" Kacey looked at Kara excitedly.

"Mommy's still sleeping, Kace. She got home real late last night. She's still tired." Kara smiled inwardly remembering it was she who had exhausted her wife.

"Wake her up later?"

Kara shrugged. "We'll see", she responded. "Maybe Mommy will come out while we're eating. I bet if I make some fresh coffee, she'll wake up."

Kacey scrunched her nose. "Coffee, yuck!"

Kara laughed at the face her daughter made. "Some of us can't start the day without it, sweetie. Get dressed, and momma will make your breakfast."

Kacey was out in record time, or so Starbuck thought, and she wolfed down her breakfast, asking for more eggs.

As Kara was making them, scrambling them in the pan, she heard Kacey shriek.

"Mommy!" Kara turned to see Kacey running toward Laura, and leaping into arms. "Good morning, mommy!"

"Good morning pumpkin", Laura said with a happy smile, Kacey kissing her on the lips. "Something smells awfully good in here."

"Momma made eggs! Oh", Kacey said, scrunching her nose again, "and some yucky coffee."

Both women laughed, getting a kick out of their daughter. Laura came up behind Kara, who was still finishing the eggs, and squeezed her shoulders in a hug, kissing her on the cheek. "You wore me out last night, dear wife", Laura said sotto voce.

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