Chapter 5

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Colonial One

Laura and Kacey Roslin went below decks to check in on Kara. Laura had been surprised at some of the changes in the lower part of the ship, especially the massive bedroom that had been built. But right now, her mind was focused on seeing her wife.

Charlie Connor had escorted her to the bedroom, then excused himself. Laura was holding Kacey's hand when they entered. Nurse Layne Ishay had some IV's hooked up to Kara, but she was breathing on her own.

"Oh, Kara", Laura said softly with a cry. Kacey tried to run toward her.


Laura held her back, Ishay going up to the littler girl. "Kacey, Momma is sleeping right now, and needs her rest, so we have to be quiet, right?"

Kacey nodded her head. "Sorry, didn't mean to yell."

Ishay smiled. "That's OK, honey, I promise you'll get to talk to your Momma soon enough. Why don't you sit here next to your momma while I talk to your mommy, OK?"

Kacey silently sat in the chair, looking at Kara.

Ishay took Laura to the other end of the room.

"What can you tell me, Ishay?"

The nurse took a large breath. "Physically, she's gonna be fine, Laura. She has a few broken ribs healing, and she has some bruising on her back, her buttocks...well, all over the place. She has that big shiner on her right cheek, and some fading bruises on her face as well. She went through some physical punishment."

Laura wanted to collapse, but she stood tall. She would have time to cry later.

"I also can tell you that...and I'm so sorry to have to tell you this, that there are signs that she has been assaulted sexually. She has some minor cuts and bruising to both her vagina and her rectum, which indicates she was probably raped, and more than once."

Laura remained calm, but Ishay could see the anger building in the woman's face. Laura Roslin was not a woman that Ishay thought should ever be crossed. She was as strong as any woman Layne Ishay had met. Had this been her wife, she'd want to rip someone to pieces.

"As I said, physically, all of that will heal. I don't know how she'll be emotionally when she wakes up, or afterward." Ishay glanced down for a moment. "Please tell me if I'm stepping over a line, Madam President, I beg you, but I would be cautious, once she's physically healthy, in initiating sex until she can get a psychological evaluation."

Laura shook her head adamantly, grabbing Ishay by the shoulder. "Oh, gods no, Ishay, you're not stepping over a line. I appreciate your concern for both of us. I'm sure I would have thought of that, but thank you for being so honest with me." She gave the nurse a comforting, warm hug. She remembered how Ishay had needed to perform emergency surgery on Bill Adama years ago, when Cottle was stuck on another ship, during an attack, the lights and power ebbing and flowing on Galactica. Ishay had been frightened, but she had nerves of steel, and had gone well above her pay grade in saving the man's life.

"I would suggest that when The Fleet is sorted out, we get her onboard Galactica. I know Cottle and the other doctors will want to get a look at her, and better evaluate her condition."

Laura nodded, hugging Layne again. "You're an amazing nurse, Ishay", she said with a smile. "Thanks for looking after Kara."

"It's my honor, Madam President. I'll give you and Kacey a few minutes of alone time with your wife. If you need me, I'm right outside the door."

Part 2 Battlestar Galactica Finding Humanity: Saving GraceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant