Chapter 20

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The Fleet was in another uproar weeks later as it seemed the Eye of Jupiter had been found on what had been dubbed the Algae Planet. In turn, it was discovered that the Algae Planet was a marker to Earth, holding the Eye of Jupiter.

The planet had been reconned, and after their foodstuff has become spoiled in a freak accident, it was determined that the algae that grew in abundance on the planet, could feed the people until new food stores were found. It wouldn't taste great, but it was healthy and nutritious, and it would have to do.

The problem was the planet lay on the other side of a highly radioactive star cluster, and The Fleet had to cross it to get within range of the planet. The process had called for several round trips with Raptors escorting the civilian ships through the morass in space, the radioactivity making jumping directly through the cluster impossible. They had to jump into the radioactivity, then jump again to within range of the planet. The missions had exhausted the pilots, sickening many of them with radiation poisoning. Two civilian ships had been lost in the process.

One of the best pilots in The Fleet was teetering on the edge of death after the mission had concluded. Louanne Katraine-Kat, who had been the CAG on Pegasus during its hiatus from New Caprica, had taken a far too large dose of radiation, and now was fighting for her life.

Yet, in the end, one good thing had come out of their adventure on that planet.

It was discovered that the Eye of Jupiter resided on this greenish planet, a star going Supernova serving as a marker to Earth. They Cylons had jumped in, and a game of chicken had ensued, with Admiral Adama threatening to nuke the planet. In the end the star that exploded in the system sealed the fate of the planet.

During the evacuation, however, they had retrieved former President Gaius Baltar. And they had a better idea where Earth might be.


Five days after the Algae Planet mission, the pilots were still gassed and recovering from the higher doses of radiation that they had received. Kat was still in Critical Condition, but despite the fact she had been near death, she was rallying, which cautiously lifted the spirits of the jocks, the mechanics, and everyone aboard the flagship.

Kara hadn't been able to visit her young rival since she had returned and collapsed. Doc Cottle and the other physicians had only allowed Admiral Adama to visit her. Even the old man was buoyed by her courage and the fight she was putting up. It was still to early to say she would recover, but she hadn't given up. Far from it.

Kara finally was permitted to see Katraine on the sixth day, simply to see how her pilot was doing, and if she could give her any encouragement. Kara and Louanne were still feeling their way through discarding the discord that had defined their relationship for so long. It hadn't been easy, as they were so much alike: stubborn; cocky; driven; wanting to be the best. Yet since coming back from New Caprica, they had made long strides in doing so.

Kara walked in the the Sick bay, met by Nurse Ishay before she saw Kat.

"She's awake, Captain", Ishay said in a quiet voice, "but I can't allow you to be in there for too long. She's still very weak, and she needs her rest. In fact", Ishay said with a smile, "she's been asking for you. Cottle had been reluctant to let you come in here. I must warn you", the nurse said, the smile vanishing, "she has a lot of radiation burns. It won't be pretty."

"Thanks, Layne", Kara said gratefully. "I appreciate the heads-up."

Despite the warning, Kara was shaken when she saw Kat, with burns on her face and arms. The rest of her body was covered in a medicated, protective gauze, Starbuck able to literally see through it, showing even more burns on her body. It made her want to flinch, but she was here to cheer up Kat, not to remind her of her situation.

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