Chap 7 "Sweet 16"

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Vee's POV

I woke up and looked at the clock. "Six am," I sighed. Hondo was still asleep. I got up and put my robe over me. I went to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast. I made a special pancake cake for Kailee to celebrate her sixteenth birthday. Hondo walked in. "Hey, babe. Breakfast is already on the table."

"You're really on it today," Hondo stated as he sat at the table. "Are you okay?"

"It's Kai's sixteenth birthday,"I replied. "I just wanted to do something special after the crazy couple of months we've had with Saxtyn."

"It was a good call with that restraining order," Hondo started eating. "How'd you know he was going to violate it?"

"It's his daughter," I shrugged. "Of course he would violate it."

"Good morning," Kailee sat at the table. "Are we doing anything today, Mom?"

"Do you have plans?" I asked.

"Brooke wanted to go shopping for my party tonight," Kailee stated.

"Well, your mother and I figured it's time for you to have your own car to drive yourself and your friends," Hondo smiled. "We know you can be responsible and you showed us that with Saxtyn."

"Maybe he could be a better person," Kailee sighed. "Maybe he can change in prison."

"He was in for fifteen years, Kai," I nodded. "He tried to kidnap you as soon as he got out. I don't think he's going to change anytime soon."

"I'm just thinking of the bright side," Kailee nodded. She pulled out the Happy Birthday decor out of her pancake and out follows a plane ticket. She looked at it. "We're going to Hawaii?"

"Yeah, we leave tomorrow afternoon as a family," Hondo nodded. He phone beeped and he looked at it. "I gotta go. You two have fun and try not to pick such an expensive car, Kai."

"No promises," Kailee joked. Hondo left. Kailee finished her breakfast and did the dishes. "I'm ready to go when you are, Mom."

"You're really wanting that car, aren't you?" I asked as I grabbed my car keys. "Let's go." We got to the dealership and started looking around. "Try not to get a sports car and get something that has four doors."

"I'm not trying to be downgraded in school, Mom," Kailee stated.

"Friendship is found in character, not luxurious things," I replied. "I drive a Dodge Charger."

"Mom, your car is issued to you from SWAT?" Kailee stated. "Do you ever think about getting your own car?"

"Maybe one day," I smiled. "But right now, I'm. buying my daughter her first car."

"Could I help you find a ---"

"Lucas?" Kailee asked.

"Kai?" Lucas asked. "Hey, I barely recognized you."

"Same here," Kailee smiled. "Oh, Lucas, this is my mom, Aria Harrelson. Mom, this is Lucas. We're part of the quizbowl team together."

"Nice to meet you, Lucas," I nodded.

"Likewise, Mrs. Harrelson," Lucas responded. "Can I help you with something in particular?"

"She's looking for a car," I replied. "It's her sixteenth birthday and we thought she should get a car."

"And Mom wants a four door car," Kailee nodded. "I'll take the pink Range Rover."

"Okay," I smiled. Before I knew it, Kailee drove the car out of the lot. "She shouldn't wait to go shopping with her friends." I went to SWAT headquarters to see Hondo. "I barely even said bye."

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