Chap 8 "Second Time"

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Vee's POV

We flew to Hawaii and Kailee decided to spend the first day with Hondo. "Well, you two have fun, okay?" I looked at Kailee as she got her hair up. "Where is he planning to take you?"

"I think hiking," Kailee nodded. "I think Dad said he took you the last time you guys were here."

"The Diamond Head Trail," I replied. "I remember that trail."

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Kailee asked.

"You and I are going to go shopping," I smiled. "And maybe you can meet Adam tomorrow."

"Okay," Kailee stated. There was a knock on the door. "That's Dad."

"Yeah," I nodded. "You guys have fun, okay?" Kailee nodded and left out the door. "I'm going to work." I went to The Palace and walked inside. I walked into Steve's office. "Steve McGarrett."

"Vee," Steve smiled as he looked at me. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"A long while," I replied. "But, if you guys are looking for a pair of extra hands, I'm able to help every other day, starting today."

"What if we need you tomorrow?" Steve asked.

"My husband is here too," I stated. I followed Steve out of his office. "Well, he's got separate days off."

"Why is that?" Steve asked.

"Family vacation with our daughter," I replied. "He's got her every other day and so do I."

"Really?" Steve asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. Adam walked in with Tani. "Hey, Adam."

"Vee," Adam replied as he held out his hand.

"I don't think that's needed," I smiled.

"How's Kailee?" Adam asked.

"She's doing good. She's out with Hondo right now having a father-daughter day," I nodded. "Then tomorrow is my day. We're switching off."

"I thought Hondo wasn't her father," Adam stated.

"He's not, but he took up the title when he found out about Kailee, and when he married me," I nodded. "Oh, and Kailee knows who her real father is. I didn't want it to happen the way it did, but she had to know sooner or later."

"How old is she?" Adam asked.

"Sixteen," I replied. I pulled up her picture on the screen. "That picture was taken last night."

"Did you guys go to a charity ball?" Steve asked.

"It was her sixteenth birthday," I smiled. "This trip was supposed to be a happy family vacation for her." I took the picture off the screen. "I think you would really like her, Adam. She's a lot like you in so many ways, even thought you're not her biological father."

"And we're a hundred percent sure she isn't?" Steve asked.

"DNA test confirms that he's not the father," I nodded. "A guy sitting in prison by the name of Saxtyn James is."

"The guy that raped you?" Adam asked. I looked at him. "I kept tabs on you for a bit after we broke up. I still loved you, Aria."

"Everyone calls me Vee now," I nodded. "To be honest, I kinda wanted you to be the father."

"Why?" Adam asked.

"I think you would've been there for her," I replied. "Kailee didn't have anyone for four years other than my parents."

"If I remember correctly, your parents never liked me," Adam stated.

"They grew to like Hondo," I shrugged.

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