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[Nobody's POV]

"Y-You're joking right? Funny speaker man?" Balloon says, shaking without control.

"Trust me when I say that I wish this was a joke"

All got silent as this data twister dawned closer to the school...

There was no more screams... No more panic.. Just cries.. Cries of scared objects.

But then two objects, both holding another object, started to shout..



It was Paintbrush and Tree.

But no one seemed to care, except the one object that "hates" everything..


[Fanny's POV]

"Are people really gonna ignore the fact two people are BLEEDING TO DEATH?! THIS IS ANOTHER REASON WHY I HATE EVERYBODY!"

Everyone looked at me.. In shock... And i mean EVERYBODY.. Even Bubble was shocked, but she seemed... Proud? I guess It's one of the first "nice" things I was about to do..

I walked over, giving my last two bandages I had left from the time I was sent to the nurse.. Without a word Paintbrush and Tree helped their girlfriends. I didn't even say anything, I just walked back to Bubble and sat by her since she was still scared of this twister coming...

"That wois nice of yoiu Foinny!"Bubble whispered to me.

"Not used to that..-"

"ITS HERE!" Crayon Box shouted, making all of us turn to her.

I've never seen such a chill teacher get that scared.

Bubble hugged me which caught me off guard.. But we got pushed down, along with everyone else when the twister hit..

The power turned off... Everyone was screaming...

But it all stoped.. At once.. It self destructed before it got too close to the school.

"I... It's gone.." I herd someone say, It was nickel, that guy used to be so sarcastic and now it looks like he seen a ghost.

[Nobody's POV]

Everyone walked outside.. Nothing seemed to be destroyed.. Everyone thought that all the drama is over

Boy they were wrong..

Another scream was herd, but this time it was from Extension Cord, Many objects ran over to see Both EC and Diamond crying, but Diamond was being the one comforting EC..

Infront of them.. Was two bodies... Two people didn't make it to the bunker...

It was Holly and Coaster.... Part of the OSO Group.. They were cut badly by the data chips.. Chunks missing... It looks like Coaster tried to protect Holly since there was a pole right through both of their body's, connecting them...

It was bloody hell...

Fanny, the girl who just joined this school just a month ago, was changing.. Instead of being mostly hostile... She was... Scared.. But also.. A leader.. Shes pulling through no matter what happens.

"We will get through this. . ."

(A/N: Yo im back to writing. Yeah MORE DEATH- hehe... Sorry it's short)

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