twelve ☆ - alright

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tw;; this chapter contains mentions of forced relationships/sex in the past. it is not detailed, it is just mentioned.


"ethan... not now."

surprised, he immediately pulled away and looked at you with confusion but sympathy. "why? what's up, (y/n)? you're usually eager to kiss me."

you sighed as sat down at his desk chair, running your hands through your hair and then up and down your arm to soothe yourself. "we're in your bedroom. and it just feels like..."


"yeah, also..." you decided it was time to open up to him about something. something you had barely told anyone. "the last time i was in a relationship, the guy kinda... forced me? to do stuff? like sex when i wasn't really ready for it. i mean, i guess in the end i was okay with it, but i still need time before we do anything. alright?"

he listened intently and then nodded. "of course. just tell me when you're ready and i won't try to make you do anything unless you say yes." he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, close to you.


"alright." ethan said with a wide smile on his face.

"you're doing it again! and you know it!" the mood changed to a much more happier one. "bastard..."

"oh, but of course, you love me." he said, still unable to contain his smile as he jokingly teased you. you were smiling along with him.

"yeah, well i'd love you a little more if you stopped being a goof," you mumbled.


"ethan nestor." you said in a sarcastic warning tone. "don't make me-"

"make you what?"

"uhm. uhm." you hadn't gotten that far in your thought process.. "kiss... you?" you made up on the spot.


"well. now you're asking for it. so no kisses." you leaned over anyways and kissed him gently, closing your eyes as you did so.

when you move back to your seat, his eyes were full of a mischievous gleam. "what happened to no kisses?" he asked, wrapping a sly arm around your shoulder.

"hush!" you commanded, kissing his cheek just to tease him.

"okay, okay. fine, then. but i'm hungry. are you hungry? do you want some food?" he asked. you nodded you head.

both of you got up together and went downstairs to the kitchen.

while ethan made sandwiches for the both of you, and you snacked on an apple, eef asked, "so. it may be able to help me understand you more if you tell me a little bit about what happened with your ex? if you want. no pressure."


authors note;;

i never really intended to give mc any trauma, but it fits, almost. i hope you guys don't mind. ❤️

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