Chapter Seven

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Luna's Pov
"So you imprinted on me? Is that why I've been feeling this soft of strange pull towards you?" My head stayed resting on my knees gazing at Edward even fully then before giving him yet another brief head nod.

"I didn't wanna exactly tell you yet because, I still am wrapping my head around it, but I was kinda forced to by Jacob. He threatened to tell Bella and I got overwhelmed." Edward was hugging his knees his gold eyes just staring at me.

"Jacob has always been an asshole." He muttered rolling his eyes sighing quite roughly.

"Well Luna... I'm sorry he forced you to do this, I really thought I was gonna be mad but I'm not, I know it's something you can't control not one bit, and now I can sort of understand now why the treaty changed." Edward shared a soft chuckle but he moved closer to me.

"I don't want you feeling bad or beating yourself up, I'm not mad." He reached out to grab my hand holding it close.

"I'm quite honored that my mate... Well imprinted on me." I stared at him quite quickly.

"Wait mate...?" I whispered a little in shock fast. Edward nodded his head slowly.

"Bella is my blood singer, a mate is different, but for now how about we take things slow before rushing into our whole different things. How about you spend the night, I'm sure Esme would love to cook you dinner and breakfast." I cracked a faint smile.

"Sure I'd like that Edward."

"Luna thank you for giving me an excuse to use the kitchen again, Bella never lets me cook for her." I glanced away from the book I was reading sitting on the counter.  The birds chirping, the sun not fully out but you could just tell it was hidden behind the mist and clouds.

"Oh Esme, one thing about wolves... We really really enjoy eating like a lot." I commented snickering with laughter when Alice passed by me messing with my curly hair amused.

"Food is like my second happy." I heard Esme giggling quietly while flipping some pancakes that honestly looked super good.

I spun around slowly left and right but I watched when Jasper entered the kitchen "Oh I thought there was a random dog in here, sorry Luna. No offense." Jasper rubbed at his head quickly looking embarrassed.

"None taken, I just spent the night with Edward talking and what not." I answered Jasper lifted an eyebrow a bit in confusion.

"You and Edward spent the night, I knew you were close I just didn't know that close," Esme slide a plate towards me which I thanked her for drinking the Apple juice she gave me.

"Well... I had to tell him about me imprinting on him." I explained out bouncing my leg up and down.

"You imprinted on Edward... You know that makes sense actually, so I took it he told you about being mates?" I gave a quick head nod a few times eating the fluffy pancakes with ease.

"I wonder what's gonna happen with Bella? Well the future can never be promised sadly, it's not like you can control, so who's telling Bella." I quickly looked away straight at the wall quite face my face with more food.

I totally refuse to do it. I already deal with her enough and I never liked her. But Jacob was just as unreasonable I think a part of him wanted me to tell Edward, was so they could break up and to see if he got a chance.

"I'll do it later this week, it's better not to hide it anymore it will just make her more angry." I looked up at Edward who leaned in the door way a bit gazing at me his head rested back on the frame.

"You sure I can do it." I stammered out a little. He just shook his head with a light smile.

"No you have the strength to tell me, when you were being blacked mailed, so I can tell Bella on my own about this so don't worry." He shook his head entering the kitchen he came over to me squeezing at my shoulder handing me a napkin chuckling.

"Taking it slow remember." He shook my shoulders gently. I cracked a faint closed lip smile.

"Taking it slow." I repeated a little.

"Cute." Esme muttered starting to wash dishes. Once I had finished eating I helped her with the dishes while Edward and Jasper were talking with one another.

I felt all this tension was crashed off my shoulders but it just also meant even new problems just a waited with the pack and Bella as well. Even my own cousin felt betrayed over something that didn't really concern him at all.

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