Chapter 7:🍑

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3rd Person's POV

"Are we there yet?"

Impatience is a proper term that describes Yeonjun. Beomgyu is annoyed with him and if possible he will hit Yeonjun in the face, but he can't do it because Yeonjun is driving.

"We are going to another village and it is a 5 minute drive." Beomgyu said in an annoyed tone. His fake boyfriend was staring straight ahead.

"Your friend's apartment is very exclusive, huh.An apartment on a hill overlooking Seoul. He must be as rich as you."

"Hyuka is rich, but he doesn't pay for this apartment. His older brother is."

"But… why do I have to go? It's just a party." Yeonjun asked as if he was complaining.

“First, you agreed to socialize with my friends, it is in the contract. And the people there are my friends. Second, we need it because my mom let me slip in a date with one of my friends' moms so they were all furious and wondering why I didn't say anything about having a boyfriend!"

"So you have to formally introduce me?" Yeonjun asked him.

"Yes." Yeonjun's pout reflects his frustration.

"How many friends do you have?"

"Hyuka invited our classmates so maybe about 10 or more people."

"That's a lot." That's all Yeonjun said. Beomgyu crosses his arms.

"I thought you said you were good at socializing. You told me that you would impress my friends."

"It depends on the people, but social butterfly will try his best." Yeonjun smiled cockily, Beomgyu wanted to erase it from his handsome face.

"If it makes you feel good, you don't have to talk to them all. Just introduce yourself, have a little talk, and that's it."

"In a room filled with 10 or more people who can't believe that you have a boyfriend? That's impossible. They joined forces to squeeze us into their questions. I can see it." Yeonjun argues.

"Then you can charm them. You said you could impress my friends. I wanted to think that your charm could be used to tame them."

Yeonjun sighed and he didn't respond. He was just staring at the road. It may be a sign that beneath the brave man is a child who is not keen to socialize with the 'super rich spoiled brats' as he calls Beomgyu’s friends.

"You'll be fine, I'll be with you. We just have to pretend we're in love. Plus, there's a lot of food and beer there." Beomgyu told Yeonjun, even though it annoyed him. His fake boyfriend sighed.

"I think as long as you're there, I'll be okay."

Beomgyu hopes Yeonjun will be fine.


They finally arrived at Hueningkai's apartment as well. Yeonjun stretched his body while Beomgyu watched him, he waits for him to finish.

Until they heard Hueningkai's dolphin-like scream. They immediately looked in his direction. They saw how his eyes twinkled. He jumped three times before walking towards them.

"Finally you guys have arrived!" He said then he clapped.

"Uhm… Yeonjun is a little nervous." Beomgyu's concern for his fake boyfriend is very obvious.

"What ?! He's more confident than the street dogs when it comes to flirting." Like it seems normal for Hueningkai to say those words.

"Wait… did you just fuckung compare me to those stinky street dogs?" Yeonjun asked him in disbelief.

Fake Boyfriend for Hire 《 Yeongyu / Beomjun 》Where stories live. Discover now