Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Meri had sat back down in her designated chair for the rest of the evening. Occasionally, one of the elves would offer her a hand for a dance and she'd join them. The elves danced with carefree fanfare and she struggled to keep up with them, but she enjoyed every second.

A few times she found herself joining the group dances where everyone cheered, hollered, stamped their feet and clutched at each other in joyous hugs. It was dancing unlike any dancing she had ever attempted before.

The excitement in the room buoyed Meri and left her grinning wildly. When the people of Santa's Village partied, they did it with style and a heck of a lot of noise.

Santa stood after one of the dances ended and the crowds hushed reverently, "another season passes us, my friends, another rush where every single elf here worked above and beyond what I expected of you. I could never be more grateful or impressed by your efforts. As this night draws to a close, I would ask everyone here to choose their partner for the last dance of the evening."

The moment Santa stopped speaking, Meri realised that the whole room had a growing buzz of anticipation. Everyone calmly chose partners and many glowing smiles emanated from the ones chosen. Meri sensed that this all had a special meaning, but she had no clue what it was.

"Could I have this dance?" a familiar voice called to Meri.

She glanced up to see Sander holding a hand out to her. Amazed exclamations filled the room. Meri had started to grow used to people always watching her, but this time it felt more conspicuous and much more intimate.

"I would love to have the last dance," Meri couldn't contain her gush.

The room held its breath until the very moment when Meri clasped Sander's hand. An unexpected cheer went through the room, which echoed around in the strangest manner.

"Is there something special about the last dance?" Meri asked when Sander led her onto the dance floor.

"The last dance has many meanings and you're right, it's a special dance for us. Who we choose as a partner for the dance has a great deal of meaning," Sander said with a mysterious smile.

"How exactly am I supposed to interpret that?"

"The elves believe that who I dance with brings the luck for the next seasonal rush. Obviously they approved of you with all of that noise they made."

"That's good to know," Meri said rather flattered by the honour.

"I enjoyed dancing with you the most this evening," he leaned down to whisper in her ear. It thrilled Meri so much that she wanted to make her own cheer.

"And I certainly had a great time dancing with you," Meri beamed at him as she slid her fingers through his hair.

"It would've been nicer if it was for much longer."

"You still had to do the dates for the show," Meri replied with a shrug.

"As tedious as it was, at least the filming for the show won't go on for much longer," Sander mused.

"I guess so."

It saddened Meri to know that Sander still wanted the show to end. Once it was over, she'd go back home. Did Sander even realise that? Did he even care?

"Are you working on inventing something new during your time off?" Meri chose to change the subject.

"I'm always working on something. Dad calls it tinkering but I find comfort in creating. It makes me feel as if I'm contributing to the village."

#Naughty or # Nice (The Holidaze Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now