Author's Note & Requests

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Author Note Section

Hey, y'all! Welcome to my Severus Snape book! If you've been here before glad to see you again and if you're new I hope you enjoy my content! So obviously this is just going to be a Severus Snape One Shot book along with some preferences if y'all want to see some, which is why I'm leaving the end of this note for you to send in requests!

Leave requests here!

Here is a list of things to keep in mind while making a request:
- No incest
- I will not do anything related to self-harm or su**ide

- I do prefer if you leave any smut ideas to me, but I do appreciate more in-depth ideas if you have any

- Please be patient if I say I'll write your idea
- I'll write x readers or x y/ns (sometimes x female y/n)
- no character x character


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